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CSV Import, Error copying image

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Hi, I've been struggling with this CSV Products Import Image Copying Error for days now - wondering if someone can give me some guidance.


I have about 2000 products and the rest of the CSV upload works pretty well, just not the images! I have also tried with just 1 product to see if the amount of products was the issue, but still no luck.


I've read the other threads on this such as https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/369997-csv-import-error-copying-image/?hl=%2Bcsv+%2Bimport%2C+%2Berror+%2Bcopying+%2Bimage&do=findComment&comment=1840647 but i'm still getting errors.


I'm using PS


My main questions are:


(1) What is the correct file path to use? 

Should it be relative (e.g. ../folder/image.jpg) or full link (e.g. http://www.website.com/foler/image.jpg) or it doesn't matter??


(2) Where should the image files be located?

Is there a specific folder I should put them in for this or does that not matter? I've got them in the upload folder currently.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Cheers.  :)




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Howdy Sneaky,


2000 products, wow, you rock bud!


Anyway, I have come across such an issue a couple of days ago. So in a nutshell, yo got the img folder with random folders with number names in it.


Something like img/6/2/sony.png


I don't really know but that's what I have assumed. 6 would stand for the category number and 2 for subcategory or whatever. When you switch to a new server with Presta installed, the ID sequence changes and the images URLs you exported from the old store might not match up with the new ID sequence of the new server.


As far as I understand, you got the option of "Force ID" when you import which forces the SQL IDs of your products into the tables so they would match up with folders etc.


But in some cases it would create clashes. Other than that, you have to work out the URLs with the number of the folders etc so they match up.


Good luck and let's know if you need more help.

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You need to give us more info about the error


I use to put the image in a new directory for example imgimport then use the full html for example http://yoursite.com/imgimport/imagename.jpg on the cvs file,



I check the access to the images in the browsers

If the original image is too big I use to put small ones because some hosting have memory problem to convert the image and take to much time

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  • 7 months later...

Hello. Did anyone find a solution for this issue because I am experiencing the same?




I am using Prestashop


I tried many suggestions:


1) changed the permission of the folder in cpanel

2)used image urls without dashes, underscores or other special characters

3) changed the Classes/Tools.php file replacing


"return @copy($source, $destination, $stream_context);"



"return @copy($source, $destination);"

4) I updated my Prestashop version

5)disabled and re-enabled mod security.

6) I also tried 5 different versions of prestashop believing that it was a version bug but all to no avail.



Could it be an external issue outside prestashop because I went back to PS 1.5.x.x and had the same issue? That should not happen because

 my image urls were uploading back then and on up to 1.6.0.x. Like a host or IP configuration issue?

Edited by thetechno (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

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