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Ammending Header to be the same as CMS

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I'm trying to basically add a slider to my cms pages not just the heading page. 


I have managed to get it on the cms pages but the styling is different to the index page.


Ive worked out that its down to this piece of code here 

{if isset($page_name)} id="{$page_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{/if} class="{if isset($page_name)}{$page_name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}{/if}{if isset($body_classes) && $body_classes|@count} {implode value=$body_classes separator=' '}{/if}{if $hide_left_column} hide-left-column{/if}{if $hide_right_column} hide-right-column{/if}{if isset($content_only) &&  $content_only} content_only{/if} lang_{$lang_iso} {if isset($LEO_LAYOUT_MODE)}{$LEO_LAYOUT_MODE}{/if}{if isset($USE_FHEADER) && $USE_FHEADER} keep-header{/if} {if isset($LEO_HEADER_STYLE)} {$LEO_HEADER_STYLE}{/if}

as when its removed the styling of the header on the index page looks the same as the other cms and product and blog pages.


Does anyone have an idea of what i need to include to get the header to be the same on the cms pages as the index page.



Edited by calamitymax (see edit history)
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