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Show only latest order details in order history

PS newbi

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Can anyone help? I would like to show only the latest order details in my order history. Is that possible? And how do i do?

I tried to delete all code in history.tpl and just include the order history in it, but i get a blank page. I am new to prestashop. I hope someone can help. Thanks


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Hello Vekia. Thanks for your reply

It is the front office. And i am using 1.6. My customers will only be able to purchase one item and only once. That's why i only want to show the order detail. There will never be more than one order. I want to make it one click shorter for my customers. No order list, only order detail.

Edited by PS newbi (see edit history)
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at the end of the foreach loop add {break}

like i did below:

	{foreach from=$orders item=order name=myLoop}
					<tr class="{if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.myLoop.last}last_item{else}item{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.myLoop.index % 2}alternate_item{/if}">
						<td class="history_link bold">
							{if isset($order.invoice) && $order.invoice && isset($order.virtual) && $order.virtual}
								<img class="icon" src="{$img_dir}icon/download_product.gif"	alt="{l s='Products to download'}" title="{l s='Products to download'}" />
							<a class="color-myaccount" href="javascript:showOrder(1, {$order.id_order|intval}, '{$link->getPageLink('order-detail', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}');">
						<td data-value="{$order.date_add|regex_replace:"/[\-\:\ ]/":""}" class="history_date bold">
							{dateFormat date=$order.date_add full=0}
						<td class="history_price" data-value="{$order.total_paid}">
							<span class="price">
								{displayPrice price=$order.total_paid currency=$order.id_currency no_utf8=false convert=false}
						<td class="history_method">{$order.payment|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</td>
						<td{if isset($order.order_state)} data-value="{$order.id_order_state}"{/if} class="history_state">
							{if isset($order.order_state)}
								<span class="label{if isset($order.order_state_color) && Tools::getBrightness($order.order_state_color) > 128} dark{/if}"{if isset($order.order_state_color) && $order.order_state_color} style="background-color:{$order.order_state_color|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}; border-color:{$order.order_state_color|escape:'html':'UTF-8'};"{/if}>
						<td class="history_invoice">
							{if (isset($order.invoice) && $order.invoice && isset($order.invoice_number) && $order.invoice_number) && isset($invoiceAllowed) && $invoiceAllowed == true}
								<a class="link-button" href="{$link->getPageLink('pdf-invoice', true, NULL, "id_order={$order.id_order}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Invoice'}" target="_blank">
									<i class="icon-file-text large"></i>{l s='PDF'}
						<td class="history_detail">
							<a class="btn btn-default button button-small" href="javascript:showOrder(1, {$order.id_order|intval}, '{$link->getPageLink('order-detail', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}');">
									{l s='Details'}<i class="icon-chevron-right right"></i>
							{if isset($opc) && $opc}
								<a class="link-button" href="{$link->getPageLink('order-opc', true, NULL, "submitReorder&id_order={$order.id_order|intval}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Reorder'}">
								<a class="link-button" href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "submitReorder&id_order={$order.id_order|intval}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Reorder'}">
								{if isset($reorderingAllowed) && $reorderingAllowed}
									<i class="icon-refresh"></i>{l s='Reorder'}
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This works fine, i only have one order, but would like to jump the step in the picture (the picture is not mine. it's just to give an idea of what i do not want).Order%20Hystory%20Bug.jpg.

I want to show the order details at once. What i mean is that when i go to order history, i should get the order details of the latest order, and not the order list with the latest order. The order history page should show the latest order with all details (customer name, adress, reference, product, quantity...) as soon as i enter the page.

Edited by PS newbi (see edit history)
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