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Change The Featured Products text and colour

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You can go to Tools > Translations, select "Modules translations", click a flag, then scroll down to the "prestashop - homefeatured" section to change the featured product text, or for any layout changes, modify modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl.

To change the colours of the featured products block, you need to modify the /* Special style for block products in center column */ section of themes/etautoshop/css/global.css. Scroll down until you see the sections that have color elements.

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Your the man! I have seen all your other post and they have all been great! I have yet another question for you? Do you know how i can re-size the categories block? i have found out how to re-size the left and right colum but i cant work out how to resize the block?


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It is the /* Default block style */ that controls the width of the category block and the other blocks. Change the width from 250px to whatever width you want.

I thought you might like to know that you have made a typo. Your categories block has the title "Cateogries".

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