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Cron Task manager to executing

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Hi there,

I have input several cron jobs into the native cron task manager module but as you can see in the image, the tasks never run.

Any ideas what might be preventing this? this is on a (hosted server - not cloud setup).


Thanks in advance 


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Does your host have curl extention, I do not use the Cron module but on my host I can set cron jobs 2 ways with curl or wget before the URL like this

curl http://mydomian/modules/gsitemap/gsitemap-cron.php?token=5f613f012c&id_shop=1 


wget http://mydomain/modules/gsitemap/gsitemap-cron.php?token=5f613f012c&id_shop=1

The only diff is that the wget will create log file everytime the task is run and place it in the root  or root tmp file I really do not remember.

(note there is a space between curl or wget and the URL)


Do you have wget or curl before the url, I am not sure about the module but the task do not run without one or the other in the Cron jobs on my host.

Does your host offer Cron jobs in the CPanel if so why not use that.

Edited by tdr170 (see edit history)
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I managed to make Cron Tasks Manager v. 1.3.2 work. In /admin folder there is a cron php file. You copy it, rename the copy to whatever you like .php. Then create whatever function you like on a native class and call it via the copy cron file. Rename the cron task to the module linking to that file (instead of the currencies one) but leave the security key on.

Of course change tasks manager to advanced and add its path to server automated tasks.

That way worked for me!

Tested yesterday a couple of times

ps. -- cron tasks manager 1.3.2

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