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The WebSercice is unsuable to create a modern Shop


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I have many years iof experience in Prestashop Development since Version 1.4. The most annoying feature of Prestashop is the WebService. If you want to connect prestashop with a third party it is very hard or better impossible. The pseudo REST interface is just a Mysql-Adapter without any logic or help from a developer perspective. You cant filter efficiently. You have to build all connection of an entity manually to get a full product. I don't want to make ~20 reqeusts to get just one full product :/



The architecture of the webservice is a disaster in view of modern software engineering. I like prestashop but this status existing since many years and nothing happens. Prestashop needs a full modern REST compliant API. If you need help please contact me.


Another point is your opensource issue system. Why is every hosting on github but I cant open an issue on github? I don't want register me on another ticket platform. Why I can't wait and give prestashop a chance to improve the Shop? The fact is this issue exists since many years and nobody has a focus of a solid code base. It is better to introduce a new quickview (Prestashop 1.6) instead to improve the really important parts. I hope it will be better in the future.


Here are some issues:

You can't filtering nested structures e.g if you want to filtering products by the language you have to iterating through all languages and fetching these languages to indicate the correct language_id with your local. Another issue is the json response format. If you want to get the product with id 5 you url should look like this /api/products/5 but you get no informations about any language. It delivers the content in the default language the json format also doesn't support any informations about required fields.

Edited by StarpTech (see edit history)
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