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Updating modules in PS 1.5

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Hi guys,


Our store is from the moment we started it up to now, running on a version of Prestashop.

Due to changes made in the template and some other changes made in the core files we are "stuck" with the version we are using without option to upgrade.

Well we can upgrade but I'm guessing it would be time-consuming and probably painful process so we have decided not to update to and leave our store work as is until we make a decision and made full migration to newest 1.6.X version which we plan doing soon.

My question is actually related to modules.

As times goes by some of the modules are being upgraded and new versions are released. 

In the back office we have been prompted from time to time that there are some modules that can be upgraded. 

This is the situation at the moment: http://prntscr.com/7qmlf3

My question is module upgrade safe? Are all these modules (I'm especially referring for the core modules that are part of Prestashop native package) compatible with previous version of the Prestashop software?

I hope my question was clear enough... any user experience is welcomed.

Thank you

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