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blockyahoostatus instalat si neafisat

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Go to the “css” folder of your theme, open “global.css” (or whatever you named the main CSS file of your current theme) and put as the first line this:

@import url('../../../modules/blockyahoostatus/blockyahoostatus.css');

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/* yahoo status module */
#yahoo_status_top a.yson em,#yahoo_status_block a .yson em{font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;text-transform:uppercase;}

/* yahoo status module top */
#yahoo_status_top a{margin-right:12px;padding: 5px 0 7px 26px;text-decoration:none;}
#yahoo_status_top a.yson,#yahoo_status_top a.ysoff{background-position:0 50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;}
#yahoo_status_top a.yson{background-image:url(img/on.png);}
#yahoo_status_top a.ysoff{background-image:url(img/off.png);}

/* yahoo status module block */
#yahoo_status_block div.block_content{padding:.7em .4em .4em .4em;}
#yahoo_status_block div.block_content p,#yahoo_status_block div.block_content a{text-align:center;}
#yahoo_status_block div.block_content a,#yahoo_status_block a span{display:block;}
#yahoo_status_block div.block_content a{text-decoration:none;}
#yahoo_status_block a span{padding:0 .7em;}
#yahoo_status_block .ysicon{position:relative;top:-18px;left:125px;height:8px;width:2px;}

p.yscta{padding:.4em 0;font-weight:bold;}
#yahoo_status_block .ysphone,#yahoo_status_block .ysfax,#yahoo_status_block .ysemail{padding:.4em 2em;background-position:0 50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;}
#yahoo_status_block .ysphone{background-image:url(img/phone.gif);}
#yahoo_status_block .ysfax{background-image:url(img/fax.gif);}
#yahoo_status_block .ysemail{background-image:url(img/email.gif);}

#center_column div#yahoo_status_block{clear:both;width:99%;margin-top:1.5em;padding:0;background:#F1F2F4;border:1px solid #D0D3D8;}
#center_column div#yahoo_status_block h4,#center_column div#yahoo_status_block div{margin:0 .7em;background:none;border:none;}
#center_column div#yahoo_status_block h4{margin-top:.8em;color:#595A5E;}
#center_column div#yahoo_status_block p{padding:0;}
#center_column #yahoo_status_block .ysphone,#center_column #yahoo_status_block .ysfax,#center_column #yahoo_status_block .ysemail{padding-left:20px;}


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Am pus o versiune noua (0.8) pe pagina modulului.
Cel mai bine dezinstaleaza versiunea pe care o ai, sterge linia adaugata in global.css (daca ai adaugat-o) si instaleaza versiunea noua. Am schimbat modul de includere a stilurilor pe standard, ceea ce inseamna ca stilurile vor fi aplicate la instalare.

Sanatate si virtute.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sorry, guys, I've just tested the module in fresh installations of Presta, and, and it is just working.

Tell me what versions of Presta are you using.

Also if you had installed previous versions try to uninstall the module from the BO, delete the /blockyahoostatus/ folder from the /module/ folder and the ps_employee_yahoo_status table from the database. Then install the new version. I'll make some tests to see what happens during upgrade.

NB. Anyway, until version 1.0 I recommend to uninstall the module and to delete the module folder before installing the new version.

Solved by deleting ps_employee_yahoo_status. Thank you!
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