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CSV import multiple images

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Hi all,
i have already read the solution in this thread:

but it didn't solve my problem. The problem that i have, is the following:

I'm using the following structure in my cvs file to upload more then one image.
Product Id;Name;Images
12;"6457 Produkt name test";../imgimport/6457BL-SMLXL.jpg,../imgimport/6457BG.jpg

during the import process i'm getting an error message, a script error. I check then the images tab, the first image is always uploaded and the second one not. I checked also the image size (it is 200 kB). In the URL i can see this part

Do you have any idea, how can i upload more then one image in this case?


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I am also going to try this out.
I already got some problems importing, until i found out that excel put too many ;;;;;;;;;; in the csv file...
And then the import does not work.

I do have a question when you import a product. Do you get multiple tax rates after importing your products ?
When i import 100 products i also get 100 new tax rates....
What version are you using ?

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yes, i have seen also this effect with tax rates. Maybe there is a solution for this problem in the shop. My suggestion; use the export module (Export Products v0.1) a free module and use exactly the same notation for your tax.

But i'm trying to solve first the more image problem. I#m using the latest version 1.3.0, because the shop is new.

>excel put too many ;;;;;;;;;; in the csv file.
for this reason, i was used only a text editor and only one product. I'm thinking, it can be also a problem in the configuration of php.ini, that i can't customize on my hosting company. (It is domainfactory.). I will install it also at an another hosting service to check this issue.

Do you know, is there any error logs file for the prestashop?


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I wi ll try it out later if multple images work.
At least 1 image works

I am also using
I have even tried the latest SVN version, but the tax problem is not solved yet. (although they say so).

There are error logs, but when the import runs fine, then there are no errors.
So we would need a logfile that logs everything. Did not see it yet.
Although you can change some settings in /config/config.inc and the smarty settings file.


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  • 5 years later...

why i can't download ?



Because it is post from February 2010 so bit less then 6 years. And PrestaShop forum 

changed few times, and change software that runs on so attached file is lost. 


But also PrestaShop changed and that csv file might not help you. I suggest you 

create a new topic with your issue/question , and hope you find solution.

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