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Wrong order number in prestashop pdf invoice

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I am trying to put the order id in the footer of the prestashop PDF invoice. For this I added this in the file /theme/mytheme/pdf/footer.tpl:

{assign var="orderId" value="%05d"|sprintf:$order->id}


However, when I go to orders > invoices and I generate a PDF, when there are more than one order, the last page of the PDF has the order id of the previous invoice... All the others are ok except for this one.

Did I do something wrong or is it a prestashop or a tcpdf bug ?

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Thank you tuk66,


i assigned the order to smarty in getFooter() and now, on all the  pages I have the order id of the next page, except for the last one which has the right one... 


Any idea ?

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