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You are wrong, It´s not a offensive language, but an angry language, when my store is down because Prestashop  can not deliver a finish product. 




After upgrading your shop, you can rollback to the previous database and files. Use this function if your theme or an essential module is not working correctly.

Elige su copia de seguridad:  -- Elige una copia de seguridad a restaurar --V1.6.0.11_20150507-193419-b7fcee2V1.6.0.14_20150704-001227-1f59f693
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And same here, did someone already report this?


Needs an official reply here, this is mission critical.


Sorry, I'm fully at your side, but if it is mission critical, you should have tested it in stage (or local copy) first. Honestly, I know how hard is to upgrade or even test PrestaShop instance. I do it always locally and move to the server when everything is ready.

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Sorry, I'm fully at your side, but if it is mission critical, you should have tested it in stage (or local copy) first. Honestly, I know how hard is to upgrade or even test PrestaShop instance. I do it always locally and move to the server when everything is ready.


I am testing in staging :)

But it's not because we know that everybody knows.

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