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Show all messages - crashes after update to

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I just updated to using the 1-click updater. Everything went fine.

Then I tested a payment module (payson).

After payment I got notifications for order, new customer, and a new message (that didn't happen before).

Clicking at "Show all messages" results in an error now:


Property CustomerMessage->message is not valid
at line 881 in file classes/ObjectModel.php

877. 			$message = $this->validateField($field, $this->$field);
878. 			if ($message !== true)
879. 			{
880. 				if ($die)
881. 					throw new PrestaShopException($message);
882. 				return $error_return ? $message : false;
883. 			}
884. 		}
886. 		return true;
ObjectModelCore->validateFields - [line 245 - classes/ObjectModel.php]
ObjectModelCore->getFields - [line 469 - classes/ObjectModel.php]
ObjectModelCore->add - [line 1037 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php]
AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->syncImap - [line 887 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php]
AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->renderProcessSyncImap - [line 221 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php]
AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->renderList - [line 2015 - classes/controller/AdminController.php]
AdminControllerCore->initContent - [line 455 - controllers/admin/AdminCustomerThreadsController.php]
AdminCustomerThreadsControllerCore->initContent - [line 180 - classes/controller/Controller.php]
ControllerCore->run - [line 373 - classes/Dispatcher.php]
DispatcherCore->dispatch - [line 54 - admin/index.php]

Going back to the BO I get a notification that there's 67 new messages. Trying to look at theses I get the above error again.

So I go to phpmyadmin and delete all that crap (duplicates of the original messages...how and why did that happen?). But still, having only the original messages from before the update I still get that error...

Help please!



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It seems that problem doesn't happen on localhost, but only on the live shop. Also the module test has nothing to do with it.

I backed up the database right after the update.

I restored that database right now. The moment I click on "show all messages" I get the error. Coming back to BO I have 67 new messages (duplicates from existing ones), but I can't access the messagelist because of the error. No more duplicates get created after that though.

On localhost I don't have that behaviour.


PHP on the server is 5.4.41 on localhost it's 5.6.3

Is that the problem?

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I have the same problem. I updated from to using the 1-click updater and when at the back office I click on Customers -> Customer service  there it show up a window with the legend :


Property CustomerMessage->message is not valid
at line 881 in file classes/ObjectModel.php


Is there a fix for it somewhere?

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