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[SOLVED] "This country require a state selection"

Guest Steven_king

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"This country require a state selection" comes up when registering on my website ,registration is refused.Anybody know why is that?
Two of my websites got the same question.
My customers are waiting for my answer.

websites: www.buy-watch.biz




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Fixed it. it need a js file[ treeManagement.js ] which can be seen in the folder themes\prestashop\js\tools\ treeManagement.js,I copied it to new themes js \tools folder ,then it works.

enigma32 Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

I use the default prestashop
in the directory "\ themes \ prestashop \ js \ tools" I also have 2 js files are treeManagement and stateManagement
but this notice again display : "This country require a state selection"
I don't understand why?
What you can teach me how to fix it

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

hi im having the same problem i upgraded from i believe 1.2 to 1.4 and need help fixing this problem if only way to fix is change to the default prestashop them can someone please explain how to do so step by step like were to go to change to default them i know were the files are located just not where to go please help im a new be thanks

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