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City Specific Store with Products or Pin Code Specific Store With products


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Hello All,


We are looking for a module or customisation to Presatshop Onlien Grocery Store, which will cater below functionalities:





1. User Should be presented with an Option to Choose CITY or ZIP CODE for the first time when they access my shop


2. Once the user select the City Or ZIP Code, Store webfront specific to Particluar City or Pin code should be visible


3. Only Products available to Speciffied City or ZIP code should be Available to order for the customer


4. Administartion: We should be able to setup Products with city or ZIP and Price and other attributes to be created differently for each city.




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Are you using multiple sellers or one seller? We have set something up like this in the past. And by you using pin code, I am guessing you are in India, that is where the site where we set up the modification is located. 

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Hi goutham7p,


We are experience in PrestaShop module development. Our company offers professional services for PrestaShop development. If you are interest please contact us via email [email protected] for further discussion.


We can provide you our sample works, portfolio and our company credentials.


Best Regards,


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  • 2 years later...

Do you have this module ready, do let us know. 








Hey.. That's right. This site is for India and we have one seller. Can you give me URL of site which you done modification? I would need it. Can you send me quick estimate and time frame.


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