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Is there a module that does the following? Private folders

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Hi All,


I've searched a lot for such a module.


What I want to do is, I want to have separate private categories (or private shops) that only people who have the link to these sections can access (I guess I can realize this using the multi store functionality).


HOWEVER, in addition to that, within some of these sections, I want to group products into private "folders" (or categories, or subcategories) that only people with a certain code or username can view and purchase.


Is there a module (paid or free) that gives me this ability?



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Thank you vekia for your assistance.


I know PS doesn't have this feature, that's why I'm looking for an addon.


Here's an example of what I'm talking about. I have a number of clients that have request UNIQUE products from me. No client can see or buy another client's products.


Let's say John requested a range of items. I upload 10 of them on my website, give a link or code to John for him to see these items on my store. From there he can selected the ones he needs and checkout. He cannot see Joe's items, who also will use a special link or code to see his items.


I hope this explain better what I'm looking to have.


Thank you

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