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why does the customer table/entity have siret and ape?


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This is more a curiosity question than an issue question. The database Customer table has siret and ape fields. They get used when b2b is enabled. But why siret? Isn't it specifically a french thing? For example here in italy we've got 'partita iva'. So isn't it architecturally wrong? Whay placing a nation-specific field on a nation-shared table? And why don't use a generic 'company_id' field?


Am I missing some info about prestashop internals?


Have you got any idea about this apparently wrong decision?

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My guess would be that, since PS originated in France and built its core user base there, it made sense to have it as a hardcoded feature at one time.


Keeping it so even now may be due to "political" reasons (i.e. avoid displeasing current French users).

Edited by parsifal (see edit history)
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