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Module customization: what's the best way to do it?

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Dear all,


reading the Prestashop documentation it seems that the best way to adapt a module is working both on theme personalization (for visual presentation) and overriding the behaviour using /override path.


All clear, except that in practice I find some challenges to accomplish that.


For instance, what if I want to personalize block social?


I tried to copy CSS path from /modules/blocksocial/css/blocksocial.css to /theme/mytheme/modules/blocksocial/css/blocksocial.css without success.


I also tried to copy the same path into /override/modules/...


Whatever I do, block social continues to get styling from default blocksocial.css.


Where am I wrong? Please note that I am in debug mode and I switched off any cache.


Of course same problem occurs with every other module, except the ones that already have the hirerchy in the default-bootstarp theme. My custom theme was initiated starting from the default theme.


Thank you in advance and best regards



Edited by ToolMayNARD (see edit history)
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I tried to copy CSS path from /modules/blocksocial/css/blocksocial.css to /theme/mytheme/modules/blocksocial/css/blocksocial.css without success.


I also tried to copy the same path into /override/modules/...




The right path is themes/default-bootstrap/css/modules/blocksocial.css

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