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Using webservice to retrieve available carriers and send user message (For mobile app)

Gerard G.

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Greetings everyone,


I am currently developing a mobile app for a prestashop based store using the webservice functionality.

It hasn't been easy but the main functionality of the store is roughly implemented, although it still has a ways to go before it can be fully used.


However, the reason I write this post is that there are a couple of things that I haven't been able to figure out.



First, not all carriers are available for all locations, and even though using the GET method I am able to retrieve the full list of carriers, I can't seem to find any field that indicates the region in which each carrier is available. Perhaps there's some function that gets the carriers that work for a specific address? How can I use this through the webservice?


Second, in the website for the shop the customersare allowed to send a message while placing their order, but I don't know how to send that through the webservice, checking it in storeurl/api/orders/ doesn't show a field for said message, how should I go about sending it?



I hope someone can provide some help with these issues. Thanks in advance.

Edited by Gerard G. (see edit history)
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This is an old post but why not! I'm developing an app using Prestashop webservices and I have problems with carriers when I post orders. The order is correctly created but there is 2 problems:

- the carrier is the default carrier and not the carrier choosen

- I have an "payment error" status (xxx paid instead of yyy) because carrier is not the right one...

How do you manage carrier in orders in your app?


Thanks for your help :)

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