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Customize Checkout Process/Fields

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I'm new to Prestashop and so far, I am very impressed.  


There is one major element of the platform that is baffling to me -- the lack of customization of the checkout process through the back office.  These days, having a cumbersome or confusing checkout process leads to many lost sales, so optimizing the checkout experience is the most important part of the whole process.  


So I was really disappointed to find out that you need to customize code, which leads to maintenance headaches in the future, to customize the checkout experience.  We sell virtual products so collecting an address or birthdate is not at all relevant.  The OPC doesn't really help as it requires the same information, just in a one page format.  It's really frustrating that there is not an easy way to hide the birthday field, which is a definite issue here in the U.S., from the checkout process using the back office.


I'm hoping that I'm missing an obvious solution, but having read many posts, I'm not optimistic.  If there is an add-on that will work without customizing code and integrates with Stripe, I'd be happy to pay for it.


Thanks for listening.  Again, this is a fantastic platform.  It's just frustrating to find that limitation in such a critical area of the purchasing process.

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Hi Scott,

The only thing i'm aware of that you can change from the back office without editing tpl / php files are:

Localization > Countries > Edit (next to appropriate country) and then you can make changes in the address format. (Note: Some of these are required by the system but i'm not sure which ones).


Enable Guest Check Out under Preferences > Orders



Under Preferences > Customers you can change the mandatory phone number and change the registration process type which as far as I can remember allow the customer to register without an address... I may be wrong as it was a while ago.

Anyho, I hope that helps. Would you mind posting your finding back here please in case anyone else has the same issue.



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