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How to display price and Add to wishlist button in Viewed Product Block and new Products Block

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1. I am trying to figure out how to display price and Add to wishlist button for viewed products block in left column and right column.


2. Also, for New Products Block in left column and right column, it only shows name, description and price but not Add to wishlist button. So I would like to add Add to wishlist button as well.


3. For index page (New products, Popular, Bestseller tabs) when you hover it shows add to cart, more, price , quick view. But it does not display Add to wishlist button. So I would like to add Add to wishlist button for index page too.


Thanks in advance for help.


My site is http://www.kocamoca.com/en/

Edited by cnpark70 (see edit history)
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1. Did you try amending the blockviewed.php file? You might need to get the price there as well using Product::getPriceStatic while looping through viewed products
2. Try adding this {hook h='displayProductListFunctionalButtons' product=$product}
3. same as .2

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Hey nemo thanks for your help again.


I am quite new to coding and stuff. :( SO please excuse my limited knowledge.


So below I recapped what I understand.

1. For viewed products block, I should amend blockviewed.php.in /public_html/modules/blockviewed/

2. For new products block,  blocknewproducts.php.in /public_html/modules/blocknewproducts/

3. For index page ????


Now, in where to add those codes within blockviewed.php and blocknewproducts.php, I have no idea which line number i should place the codes.


Can you please paste the example codes for each cases.


Thanks a ton for your guide.

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