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multistore disturbs combinations!

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I have a store in prestashop (cold-steel.nl). This is my default.

I added a new one (coldsteel.be).


and i am experiencing some difficulties.


1. in cold-steel.nl, all combinations are visible, also when added to the cart, but the extra price is gone. When checking this, the extra price is still there in the settings. Strange is that in coldsteel.be everyting works just fine.


Don't know how to quickly solve this.


2. there are also problems in the menu addon (not everything shows in the new shop) and the theme configuration. I can adjust this, but it makes me wonder what else went wrong.


Is there a way to copy the settings from the default shop to my new shop concerning problem 2?



Christophe Slegers

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cleared the cache (several times) but no change


This is the code that chrome console shows on an example page where the combinations don't work properly


v_10_8430365b5b95d1127b6ffe692b6ce9d0.js:340 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).serialScroll is not a function
https://widget.give.it/giveit.js?public_api_key= Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
v_10_8430365b5b95d1127b6ffe692b6ce9d0.js:316 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).uniform is not a function
(program):61 Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.
Failed to load resourcerapport_nikko_send_focus_event @ (program):62
Failed to load resourcerapport_nikko_on_blur @ (program):49
v_10_8430365b5b95d1127b6ffe692b6ce9d0.js:316 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'update' of undefined


The 2 combinations are there, but you cannot select the second one, so prices don't change.

Hope you can help me out



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i have set everything on 'no' for ccc on the performance page.

cleared cache but no change.


Can the problem be found elsewhere?
I also notice that ordering from the original store is not possible anymore either. you can add a product to the cart. when you are logged in the system does not show your adress. it does not allow you to select the terms and conditions. So the system does not show you the payment methods.


Don't know if this problem might be related. In any case, it occured also after i changed to multistore


Thanks in advance for your help

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