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PayPal-only module upgrade

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Dear all,

one of my customers is running PS Version with the PayPal module 1.4.
It seems that this module is buggy as it won't add the shipping costs when paying with PayPal so my question is quite simple: can I keep PS as it is now and only update the PayPal module to the latest version (1.6) copied from the latest stable PS release?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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In priciple it would be possible; just copy the new paypal module over the old one.
But remember to first test this on a test install, and always make backups.
It might be possible that the new module uses Classess, and or new features from the new code that are not in the old one.


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taking your advice of making backups of everything just in case I uploaded the Paypal 1.6 module (*) from PS 1.2.5 to PS
It works like a charm and it solves the issues my customer had with the shipping costs not being added to the total amount.

Modularity. Good stuff indeed! :-)

Keep up the good work PrestaShop Team!!


(*) I only uploaded the paypal directory and not the paypalapi as it wasn't present on SP

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