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Product same category - changing size for product-box

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I'm using bootstrap default theme and have product in same category activated.


I would like to change product-box (products same category) to be smaller.


There is width: 178px already pre-setup and I cannot find it on css or php files.

This must come from some java script or so on.




Can someone point me to the right direction where the products in same category can be styled?



Edited by AndyCZ (see edit history)
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Maybe the layout depends on the image size?


To change the image size you have 2 options:

1. scale image using css

2. go to Preferences -> Images and find 'home_default'. It's the image type used in themes/default-bootstrap/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl, search for:

<img src="{$link->getImageLink($categoryProduct.link_rewrite, $categoryProduct.id_image, 'home_default')

You can change the dimensions, but keep in mind that this image type may be used in other places. So you should create new type with preferred dimensions and then change the name in themes/default-bootstrap/modules/productscategory/productscategory.tpl in the above mentioned line. Just make sure to regenerate the thumbnails of the new image type first.

Edited by pishkus (see edit history)
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Thank you pishkus for helping me out!


But your solution doesn't work for me.


1. I set in css .home_default { width: 135px; } = no result.


2. I set image home_default  in Preferences -> Images to 150px. Regenerated images. It's changed image size on products category but not in product same category. = no result. 

Edited by AndyCZ (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...

I'm really sorry to jump onto this thread, but I'm having real difficulty trying to align the product boxes on a "products in the same category" page. My problem is caused by differing lengths of product name. Some names only occupy 2 rows of text and others occupy 3 before truncation kicks in.

This is having the effect of leaving random gaps in the page. Is there a way of lengthening the box itself so that it can accomodate either 2 or 3 rows of text without adjusting itself? I've trawled through the theme's productscategory.tpl and the productscategory.css but cannot find where this adjustment would need to be made.

The site is currently under maintenance, but if you wouldn't mind taking a look, I'll gladly add your ip.




Neil Coleclough (struggling!)



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