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Copy Shopdata: Script for upgrading and fixing buggy shops by copying business data and images

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After writing copy_shopdata.php these errors:

1 accessory 38
Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: SELECT command denied to user 'db109971xnova'@'' for table `db109971xbiopla`.`ps_accessory` in /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata_functions.inc.php:7 Stack trace: #0 /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata_functions.inc.php(7): mysqli_query(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO `db...') #1 /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata_functions.inc.php(587): dbxquery(Object(mysqli), 'INSERT INTO `db...') #2 /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata_functions.inc.php(458): copy_table_direct('accessory', 'ps_', '`id_product_1`,...', Array) #3 /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata.php(228): copy_table('accessory') #4 {main} thrown in /www/b/i/u109971/public_html/admin500bwd3vsijqzrprxtm/Prestools_Suite/copy_shopdata_functions.inc.php on line 7

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denied to user 'db109971xnova'@'' for table `db109971xbiopla`.`ps_accessory`

as your MySQL root you must grant permissions via something like (this is too wide for real life):

grant all on `db109971xbiopla`.* to 'db109971xnova'@'' 


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  • 4 weeks later...

We are about to try upgrading an old Prestashop version using your script. We tried with 1 click upgrade but it doesn't work.

Would you recommend we try and do a fresh installation of the same Prestashop version, transfer tables, and try again with 1-click or can we go straight from 1.6 to 8.1 (or 1.7)?

Edited by gregor5 (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, gregor5 said:

can we go straight from 1.6 to 8.1 (or 1.7)?

You cannot, you need to go step by step thru the entire tree.
Why do you wish to update. No themes you like? Do clients complain about the optic? 

Most shops look alike when opened with a mobile phone.

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4 hours ago, gregor5 said:

We are about to try upgrading an old Prestashop version using your script. We tried with 1 click upgrade but it doesn't work.

Would you recommend we try and do a fresh installation of the same Prestashop version, transfer tables, and try again with 1-click or can we go straight from 1.6 to 8.1 (or 1.7)?

I would suggest a fresh 8.1 installation and then going straight from the old shop to that version.

Let me know when you notice any problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning,

I'm trying to use copy_data, but something here is malfunctioning.
Presta 8.1.7 on the same server and different folders, different DBs.

I just need to transfer the customers, addresses and orders, but I get this error:

SELECT command denied to user 'xxxx_xxxxxx'@'localhost' for table `xxxx_xxxxxx1`.`ps_address`

MySQL error 1142: SELECT command denied to user 'xxxx_xxxxxx'@'localhost' for table `xxxx_xxxxxx1`.`ps_address`


Any suggestions?

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It looks like those databases have different logins and that gives problems.

If that is the case you have two options:

 - you can copy one of the databases or allocate rights so that both can be reached with the same server-user-password combination

 - you can set the $copy_method variable to row. But that will make the process much slower.

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16 minutes ago, musicmaster said:

It looks like those databases have different logins and that gives problems.

If that is the case you have two options:

 - you can copy one of the databases or allocate rights so that both can be reached with the same server-user-password combination

 - you can set the $copy_method variable to row. But that will make the process much slower.

So what it tells me is that I have to put the old database with the same user and pass as the new database, right?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I am trying to update a to 8.2.  I have a problem when the script find a NULL.  I have downloaded latest version of copydata.

Column 'color' cannot be null

MySQL error 1048: Column 'color' cannot be null
Generated by URL '/Backoffice/herramientas/copy_shopdata.php'
with Query 'INSERT INTO `ps_8`.`ps_attribute` (`id_attribute`,`id_attribute_group`,`color`,`position`) VALUES ('51','10',NULL,'42')'

May someone help me, please? 


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Hello Ipaelo

replace NULL with '#eee' or any color RGB u want .

INSERT INTO `ps_attribute` (`id_attribute`, `id_attribute_group`, `color`, `position`) VALUES ('51', '10', '#FFFFFF', '42');


other option is trying to update the color field so then u make it accepting NULL

ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute` MODIFY `color` VARCHAR(255) NULL;

set a default atttribute :

ALTER TABLE `ps_attribute` MODIFY `color` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '#000000';

and try your script again:

 'INSERT INTO `ps_8`.`ps_attribute` (`id_attribute`,`id_attribute_group`,`color`,`position`) VALUES ('51','10',NULL,'42')'



jose lorenzini

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On 11/19/2024 at 3:07 PM, ipaelo said:



I am trying to update a to 8.2.  I have a problem when the script find a NULL.  I have downloaded latest version of copydata.

Column 'color' cannot be null

MySQL error 1048: Column 'color' cannot be null
Generated by URL '/Backoffice/herramientas/copy_shopdata.php'
with Query 'INSERT INTO `ps_8`.`ps_attribute` (`id_attribute`,`id_attribute_group`,`color`,`position`) VALUES ('51','10',NULL,'42')'

May someone help me, please?

It works for me: NULL is automatically converted into an empty string. It looks like your database has stricter settings. Maybe it is a Mysql vs. MariaDB difference.

Edit: There is now a new version of the package that you can download


Edited by musicmaster (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Renato Strafatta said:

Hi Musicmaster, my old prestashop was infected by a malware on TinyMCE plugin and I cannot get into admin... I installed a fresh new prestashop and I want to get the products and other pages and info from the old database... is that possible with your tool??? can you help me??

Yes, that is possible. You only need to fill in the database credentials in the config file.

You can use Copy_shopdata_imghub.php to copy the image directory.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Prestools got an upgrade that changed the way the variables in the settings file are named. This affects Copy_shopdata too. If you download Copy_shopdata from now on you must make sure that your Prestools is at least at version 1.36.

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I have the same problem some above have mentioned.
I am trying to copy db from PS to 8.2.0

First table worked fine, on second table I get this: see attached image. Can't add code directly, because silly Prestashop forum blocks messages that contain SQL code 🤣
Red marks are to hide DB and Domain Info.

Above you suggested to assign same db user to both db's. I am working with Plesk and this is not allowed. I need one user per DB. Or am I misunderstanding your solution?


Thanks, Sarah


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