angelac Posted May 29, 2015 Share Posted May 29, 2015 He observado que al pulsar sobre "Cerrar sesion", aunque refresca la pantalla, la sesion sigue abierta. Me pasa con todos los navegadores. He activado los errores y aparece lo siguiente: Strict Standards: Declaration of Dispatcher::loadRoutes() should be compatible with DispatcherCore::loadRoutes($id_shop = NULL) in PrestaShopAutoload.php on line 121 La tienda es Gracias Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
eleon Posted May 30, 2015 Share Posted May 30, 2015 (edited) Accede por FTP a tu servidor, busca el fichero "PrestaShopAutoload.php" y pega lo que haya en él aquí para ver dónde está el problema. Acuérdate de indicar también la numeración para revisar la línea 121. Un cordial saludo. Edited May 30, 2015 by eleon (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angelac Posted June 15, 2015 Author Share Posted June 15, 2015 Buenas tardes. Disculpa que no haya contestado antes, he estado fuera unos dias. Sigo con el problema. En que directorio se encuentra el archivo que comentas? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
angelac Posted June 15, 2015 Author Share Posted June 15, 2015 Hola de nuevo. He observado que unicamente ocurre cuando activo en el Rendimiento - Smarty - Cache - SI. Si lo dejo en NO, funciona correctamente. Me gustaria dejarlo en SI porque realmente se nota en la velocidad de carga de la tienda. Que puede ser? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricardoboreal2 Posted September 1, 2015 Share Posted September 1, 2015 A mi me pasa lo mismo... con el problema añadido de que no tengo ni idea de como configurar los parámetros de la cache. Mi PrestaShopAutoload.php es así: <?php/** 2007-2015 PrestaShop** NOTICE OF LICENSE** This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:** If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.** DISCLAIMER** Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer* versions in the future. If you wish to customize PrestaShop for your* needs please refer to for more information.** @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>* @copyright 2007-2015 PrestaShop SA* @license Open Software License (OSL 3.0)* International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA*//** * @since 1.5 */class PrestaShopAutoload{ /** * File where classes index is stored */ const INDEX_FILE = 'cache/class_index.php'; /** * @var PrestaShopAutoload */ protected static $instance; /** * @var string Root directory */ protected $root_dir; /** * @var array array('classname' => 'path/to/override', 'classnamecore' => 'path/to/class/core') */ public $index = array(); public $_include_override_path = true; protected static $class_aliases = array( 'Collection' => 'PrestaShopCollection', 'Autoload' => 'PrestaShopAutoload', 'Backup' => 'PrestaShopBackup', 'Logger' => 'PrestaShopLogger' ); protected function __construct() { $this->root_dir = _PS_CORE_DIR_.'/'; $file = $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_).PrestaShopAutoload::INDEX_FILE; if (@filemtime($file) && is_readable($file)) $this->index = include($file); else $this->generateIndex(); } /** * Get instance of autoload (singleton) * * @return PrestaShopAutoload */ public static function getInstance() { if (!PrestaShopAutoload::$instance) PrestaShopAutoload::$instance = new PrestaShopAutoload(); return PrestaShopAutoload::$instance; } /** * Retrieve informations about a class in classes index and load it * * @param string $classname */ public function load($classname) { // Retrocompatibility if (isset(PrestaShopAutoload::$class_aliases[$classname]) && !interface_exists($classname, false) && !class_exists($classname, false)) return eval('class '.$classname.' extends '.PrestaShopAutoload::$class_aliases[$classname].' {}'); // regenerate the class index if the requested file doesn't exists if ((isset($this->index[$classname]) && $this->index[$classname]['path'] && !is_file($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname]['path'])) || (isset($this->index[$classname.'Core']) && $this->index[$classname.'Core']['path'] && !is_file($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']['path']))) $this->generateIndex(); // If $classname has not core suffix (E.g. Shop, Product) if (substr($classname, -4) != 'Core') { $class_dir = (isset($this->index[$classname]['override']) && $this->index[$classname]['override'] === true) ? $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_) : $this->root_dir; // If requested class does not exist, load associated core class if (isset($this->index[$classname]) && !$this->index[$classname]['path']) { require_once($class_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']['path']); if ($this->index[$classname.'Core']['type'] != 'interface') eval($this->index[$classname.'Core']['type'].' '.$classname.' extends '.$classname.'Core {}'); } else { // request a non Core Class load the associated Core class if exists if (isset($this->index[$classname.'Core'])) require_once($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname.'Core']['path']); if (isset($this->index[$classname])) require_once($class_dir.$this->index[$classname]['path']); } } // Call directly ProductCore, ShopCore class elseif (isset($this->index[$classname]['path']) && $this->index[$classname]['path']) require_once($this->root_dir.$this->index[$classname]['path']); } /** * Generate classes index */ public function generateIndex() { $classes = array_merge( $this->getClassesFromDir('classes/'), $this->getClassesFromDir('controllers/'), $this->getClassesFromDir('Adapter/'), $this->getClassesFromDir('Core/') ); if ($this->_include_override_path) $classes = array_merge( $classes, $this->getClassesFromDir('override/classes/', defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')), $this->getClassesFromDir('override/controllers/', defined('_PS_HOST_MODE_')) ); ksort($classes); $content = '<?php return '.var_export($classes, true).'; ?>'; // Write classes index on disc to cache it $filename = $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_).PrestaShopAutoload::INDEX_FILE; $filename_tmp = tempnam(dirname($filename), basename($filename.'.')); if ($filename_tmp !== false && file_put_contents($filename_tmp, $content) !== false) { if (!@rename($filename_tmp, $filename)) unlink($filename_tmp); else @chmod($filename, 0666); } // $filename_tmp couldn't be written. $filename should be there anyway (even if outdated), no need to die. else Tools::error_log('Cannot write temporary file '.$filename_tmp); $this->index = $classes; } /** * Retrieve recursively all classes in a directory and its subdirectories * * @param string $path Relativ path from root to the directory * @return array */ protected function getClassesFromDir($path, $host_mode = false) { $classes = array(); $root_dir = $host_mode ? $this->normalizeDirectory(_PS_ROOT_DIR_) : $this->root_dir; foreach (scandir($root_dir.$path) as $file) { if ($file[0] != '.') { if (is_dir($root_dir.$path.$file)) $classes = array_merge($classes, $this->getClassesFromDir($path.$file.'/', $host_mode)); elseif (substr($file, -4) == '.php') { $content = file_get_contents($root_dir.$path.$file); $namespacePattern = '[\\a-z0-9_]*[\\]'; $pattern = '#\W((abstract\s+)?class|interface)\s+(?P<classname>'.basename($file, '.php').'(?:Core)?)' .'(?:\s+extends\s+'.$namespacePattern.'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*)?(?:\s+implements\s+'.$namespacePattern.'[a-z][\\a-z0-9_]*(?:\s*,\s*'.$namespacePattern.'[a-z][\\a-z0-9_]*)*)?\s*\{#i'; if (preg_match($pattern, $content, $m)) { $classes[$m['classname']] = array( 'path' => $path.$file, 'type' => trim($m[1]), 'override' => $host_mode ); if (substr($m['classname'], -4) == 'Core') $classes[substr($m['classname'], 0, -4)] = array( 'path' => '', 'type' => $classes[$m['classname']]['type'], 'override' => $host_mode ); } } } } return $classes; } public function getClassPath($classname) { return (isset($this->index[$classname]) && isset($this->index[$classname]['path'])) ? $this->index[$classname]['path'] : null; } private function normalizeDirectory($directory) { return rtrim($directory, '/\\').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; }} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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