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Greffer un module là ou ce n'est pas prévu

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Le sujet à déjà été abordé et j'en ai lu plein sans parvenir à ce que je souhaite.

Je précise que je n'ai pas de compétence en php


Sur PS, je voudrais greffer le module "Produits mis en avant sur la page d'accueil" sur la colonne gauche.


J'ai essayé de reproduire ce que j'ai lu comme ceci sur le fichier modules\homefeatured\homefeatured.php :


Ajout de la ligne dans le if (!parent::install()

|| !$this->registerHook('displayLeftColumn')

Puis ajout à la fin du fichier :

function hookMyHook($params)
	return $this->hookLeftColumn($params);

mais ça ne fonctionne pas, j'obtiens une page blanche sur le BO / Modules / Position

Merci infiniment aux spécialistes du php de votre aide


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Bonjour 3pom, et merci

J'ai placé votre code mais quand j'essaye de greffer le module, PS me répond toujours "Ce module ne peut être accroché à ce hook"

J'ai supprimé le cache navigateur, Smarty en "forcer la compilation..." cache : Non

Il y a-t-il quelque chose à faire en plus ?

Merci encore

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Bien sûr :

* 2007-2014 PrestaShop
* This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
* that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
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* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer
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*  @author PrestaShop SA <[email protected]>
*  @copyright  2007-2014 PrestaShop SA
*  @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
*  International Registered Trademark & Property of PrestaShop SA

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_'))

class HomeFeatured extends Module
	protected static $cache_products;

	public function __construct()
		$this->name = 'homefeatured';
		$this->tab = 'front_office_features';
		$this->version = '1.6.3';
		$this->author = 'PrestaShop';
		$this->need_instance = 0;

		$this->bootstrap = true;

		$this->displayName = $this->l('Featured products on the homepage');
		$this->description = $this->l('Displays featured products in the central column of your homepage.');

	public function install()
		Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_NBR', 8);
		Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_CAT', (int)Context::getContext()->shop->getCategory());
		Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_RANDOMIZE', false);

		if (!parent::install()
			|| !$this->registerHook('header')
			|| !$this->registerHook('addproduct')
			|| !$this->registerHook('updateproduct')
			|| !$this->registerHook('deleteproduct')
			|| !$this->registerHook('categoryUpdate')
			|| !$this->registerHook('displayHomeTab')
			|| !$this->registerHook('displayHomeTabContent')
			|| !$this->registerHook('displayLeftColumn')
			return false;

		return true;

	public function uninstall()

		return parent::uninstall();

	public function getContent()
		$output = '';
		$errors = array();
		if (Tools::isSubmit('submitHomeFeatured'))
			$nbr = Tools::getValue('HOME_FEATURED_NBR');
			if (!Validate::isInt($nbr) || $nbr <= 0)
			$errors[] = $this->l('The number of products is invalid. Please enter a positive number.');

			$cat = Tools::getValue('HOME_FEATURED_CAT');
			if (!Validate::isInt($cat) || $cat <= 0)
				$errors[] = $this->l('The category ID is invalid. Please choose an existing category ID.');

			$rand = Tools::getValue('HOME_FEATURED_RANDOMIZE');
			if (!Validate::isBool($rand))
				$errors[] = $this->l('Invalid value for the "randomize" flag.');
			if (isset($errors) && count($errors))
				$output = $this->displayError(implode('<br />', $errors));
				Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_NBR', (int)$nbr);
				Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_CAT', (int)$cat);
				Configuration::updateValue('HOME_FEATURED_RANDOMIZE', (bool)$rand);
				Tools::clearCache(Context::getContext()->smarty, $this->getTemplatePath('homefeatured.tpl'));
				$output = $this->displayConfirmation($this->l('Your settings have been updated.'));

		return $output.$this->renderForm();

	public function hookDisplayHeader($params)

	public function hookHeader($params)
		if (isset($this->context->controller->php_self) && $this->context->controller->php_self == 'index')
		$this->context->controller->addCSS(($this->_path).'homefeatured.css', 'all');

	public function _cacheProducts()
		if (!isset(HomeFeatured::$cache_products))
			$category = new Category((int)Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_CAT'), (int)Context::getContext()->language->id);
			$nb = (int)Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_NBR');
			if (Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_RANDOMIZE'))
				HomeFeatured::$cache_products = $category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), null, null, false, true, true, ($nb ? $nb : 8));
				HomeFeatured::$cache_products = $category->getProducts((int)Context::getContext()->language->id, 1, ($nb ? $nb : 8), 'position');

		if (HomeFeatured::$cache_products === false || empty(HomeFeatured::$cache_products))
			return false;

	public function hookDisplayHomeTab($params)
		if (!$this->isCached('tab.tpl', $this->getCacheId('homefeatured-tab')))

		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'tab.tpl', $this->getCacheId('homefeatured-tab'));

	public function hookDisplayHome($params)
		if (!$this->isCached('homefeatured.tpl', $this->getCacheId()))
					'products' => HomeFeatured::$cache_products,
					'add_prod_display' => Configuration::get('PS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_DISPLAY'),
					'homeSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('home')),

		return $this->display(__FILE__, 'homefeatured.tpl', $this->getCacheId());

	public function hookDisplayHomeTabContent($params)
		return $this->hookDisplayHome($params);

	public function hookAddProduct($params)

	public function hookUpdateProduct($params)

	public function hookDeleteProduct($params)

	public function hookCategoryUpdate($params)

	public function _clearCache($template, $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = NULL)
		parent::_clearCache('tab.tpl', $this->getCacheId('homefeatured-tab'));

	public function renderForm()
		$fields_form = array(
			'form' => array(
				'legend' => array(
					'title' => $this->l('Settings'),
					'icon' => 'icon-cogs'
				'description' => $this->l('To add products to your homepage, simply add them to the corresponding product category (default: "Home").'),
				'input' => array(
						'type' => 'text',
						'label' => $this->l('Number of products to be displayed'),
						'name' => 'HOME_FEATURED_NBR',
						'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
						'desc' => $this->l('Set the number of products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 8).'),
						'type' => 'text',
						'label' => $this->l('Category from which to pick products to be displayed'),
						'name' => 'HOME_FEATURED_CAT',
						'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
						'desc' => $this->l('Choose the category ID of the products that you would like to display on homepage (default: 2 for "Home").'),
						'type' => 'switch',
						'label' => $this->l('Randomly display featured products'),
						'name' => 'HOME_FEATURED_RANDOMIZE',
						'class' => 'fixed-width-xs',
						'desc' => $this->l('Enable if you wish the products to be displayed randomly (default: no).'),
						'values' => array(
								'id' => 'active_on',
								'value' => 1,
								'label' => $this->l('Yes')
								'id' => 'active_off',
								'value' => 0,
								'label' => $this->l('No')
				'submit' => array(
					'title' => $this->l('Save'),

		$helper = new HelperForm();
		$helper->show_toolbar = false;
		$helper->table = $this->table;
		$lang = new Language((int)Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'));
		$helper->default_form_language = $lang->id;
		$helper->allow_employee_form_lang = Configuration::get('PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG') ? Configuration::get('PS_BO_ALLOW_EMPLOYEE_FORM_LANG') : 0;
		$this->fields_form = array();
		$helper->id = (int)Tools::getValue('id_carrier');
		$helper->identifier = $this->identifier;
		$helper->submit_action = 'submitHomeFeatured';
		$helper->currentIndex = $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminModules', false).'&configure='.$this->name.'&tab_module='.$this->tab.'&module_name='.$this->name;
		$helper->token = Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules');
		$helper->tpl_vars = array(
			'fields_value' => $this->getConfigFieldsValues(),
			'languages' => $this->context->controller->getLanguages(),
			'id_language' => $this->context->language->id

		return $helper->generateForm(array($fields_form));

	public function getConfigFieldsValues()
		return array(
			'HOME_FEATURED_NBR' => Tools::getValue('HOME_FEATURED_NBR', (int)Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_NBR')),
			'HOME_FEATURED_CAT' => Tools::getValue('HOME_FEATURED_CAT', (int)Configuration::get('HOME_FEATURED_CAT')),

public function hookDisplayLeftColumn($params)

    return $this->hookDisplayHome($params);


Edited by pierrewebmaster (see edit history)
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