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Customer log in issue on Chrome

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Good afternoon. We have an issue on our prestashop on customer log in. It happens only using Chrome. Sometimes the customer can't login after he submit username and password. The authentication page reload and a customer could insert 100 times credentials without access. No error message showed. If the customer delete cookies on chrome he can access. We are trying to reproduce the bug in our computer but everything works. You understand that we cannot ask to customers to delete cookies and you know that for 1 customer that call us to report this bug 100 others customers go in other website.

Can you please help us?

Thanks in advance, Gildo.


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yes this is issue than make shop manager insane.  I tried to reproduce on your shop (see email start with elpatron) but with no luck.


Sometime ago I was having issue where I had same symptom  as you described above  but it was I (and who knows how many others) where I could not log in from my location at home but I could from any other location (IP).  How did I solve?  I didn't, it was by accident, I had issue with db capture and found connections tables that were very large.  I determined that these tables could be emptied, I did so and went about my day.


Then I noticed I could then login, without screen refresh from problem location from home.  


So you can do this and maybe sleep a 'little' better until you get field feeback.


using phpmyadmin, find these tables



Note: export these tables for back up.

Then empty the tables using phpmyadmin


Then cross fingers this is solution.

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