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Hello to everyone

I have installed the ''electronix'' theme but i have a strange problem. It displays in front of categories block a white square with a questionmark inside, like to display a photo frame with no photo inside. How i can get rid of this ? or to Fix It ?

The site adress is www.compat.gr

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thanks In Advanced.

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I have found what was causing this error i had put a module ''clock'' and for some reason it didnt display the logo of the module right, so i remove it and everything is ok

No it is not the module clock that cause the problem it hapend again.......... :coolgrin:

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I had something similar happen and I finally had to copy over all the files with originals except for the settings file (so nothing with your database changes). I copied over everything except settings.inc.php and it all worked again.

By the way, the reason you probably aren't getting any response is because you should probably post in general discussion or something similar. I only noticed it because I use the electronix theme.

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Ciscowrig thank you for your answer can you give me more info ? You made clean install all over or just copy again the theme in the catalog ?

Where can i find this file settings.inc.php ? I have to reinstall all the modules and to upload the database through the sql management ?

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I went to the site after I wrote most of the stuff below, so disregard if it is now fixed but, I clicked on several links and never got anything over the categories block. Are you sure the issue is the site, or is it the browser? Have you tried various browsers. I've tried Internet Explorer 8, firefox and chrome (all in English) and there are no errors on the site. Could this maybe be a browser issue, not a site issue?

I'm not saying you have to do anything, but if you don't know whether it's a module or the .tpl file that is messing it up, I would copy over everything. Settings.inc.php is located in the config folder. I'm sure this isn't the best way, but without knowing where the error was created I wouldn't know what files to change out. I would do it step by step. Modules folder first then each theme, etc

Before you do that though I would strip down the modules you have available on your pages to nothing and gradually add them all back in. I had a conflict with my cart and the wishlist, they couldn't both be positioned. I would also try posting in the general discussion board and giving very detailed info and screen shots, as I said first of all, I don't see anything.

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Ciscowrig thank you again for your reply

Select a product from the block '' New Products'' from the right and you will see the problem on the left on the categories problem to happens. I saw you when you where in that you have tested with 3 different browsers. I have tested with mozilla and internet explorer 8 and the same. When you are in my site give a call , on the right you will see livezilla block with my logo , i will answer you right away.

Thank you for your efforts to help me

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This div is throwing me. If you remove that does it go away?

This is a bit out of my realm, I'm not a php expert. Sorry, I can't call in.

<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
Bookmark and Share[removed][removed]
<!-- AddThis Button END -->

<!-- /MODULE Block Share -->[removed][removed]
<link href="/modules/blockcategories/ddsmoothmenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" />
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No even if i take it out , nothing changes . I will try the first option to make a clean install and see what will hapen. I think that something has been left from a module that i have unistall. I will come back with news in a few days.

Thank you Again for everything

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