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[Solved] Custom hook won't show

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Hi everyone,


I'm trying to create a new hook to place a module on a page, but I can't get it to work.

It's on my contact form, I want to replace this form by the module webcallback.


In my webcalback.php I added my new hook in the same way as the old one in my install function

!$this->registerHook('leftColumn') || !$this->registerHook('footer') || !$this->registerHook('hookPersoContact')

And I also added this function ( which is the same as the hookRightColumn() and hookLeftColumn() for example )

public function hookPersoContact()
    return ($this->displayBlock());

In my contact-form.tpl I added at the beginning of my file the declaration of the hook, which now appears in the database. The print tests work fine.

<p>Print test 1</p>
{hook h='hookPersoContact'}
<p>Print test 2</p>

So, with all this, my hook appears in my back-office in the Modules->Position tab, I can hook my module to it, but it doesn't display. Also, it's considered as an invisible hook.


I tried to change the name of my hook to displayhookPersoContact, the only effect it had was that it was no longer considered as invisible in Modules->Position. I also edited my hookPersoContact() function as this so it looks like my hookFooter() and hookTop() functions.

public function hookPersoContact()
return ($this->displayBlock('hookPersoContact'));

Didn't work either.


I didn't get why Top and Footer have to use parameters for displayBlock() while left/rightColumn don't, and why in my install function doing registerHook('leftColumn') leads to a hook called displayLeftColumn so that's why I tried the above things.


Any help would be appreciated at this point. Thanks in advance.


Edited by Xuân (see edit history)
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Sorry, some really awesome guy already helped me on a French topic. He rocks :P


So for those who want the solution : 

In the function install, you have to put display before the name of the hook, so : 


In the function in the php file ( webcallback.php for me e.g. ), you have to put hookDisplay before the name of the hook, so :

public function hookDisplayPersoContact(){...}

In the .tpl, you have to put display before the name of the hook, so :

{hook h='displayPersoContact'}

It worked for me. It might be easier to do, see what anteverce suggests, but I didn't make it work with just {hook h='PersoContact'} so I prefer to give an option that works as far as I know.

Thanks for not helping, english community <3

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