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[SOLVED] Double group discount when adding products manually?

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I have a weird problem in PS I have a customer group that has a fixed discount, set in the Customer group settings. For simplicity, let's say the discount is 50 %.


This works great when a group member place a normal order in the shop, the discount is counted correctly. But when adding additional products to the order in the back-office (by clicking the Add product button in the order) sometimes the Customer group discount seems to be added twice, meaning that customers get another 50% off a price that's already discounted by 50 %. The price is displayed correctly when you search for the product but as soon as you hit the second Add product button, the product is added to the cart with an incorrect price. 


There are no other discounts, specific prices or modules that should affect the prices, and as stated, everything works in the front-office so that would indicate a bug in the back-office.


Has anyone stumbled upon this before or have any clues what to do?

Edited by yay (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Completely forgot about this problem. For my issue it turned out the problem was the percentage itself, it was set to 55% which caused this mess. 55.01% worked as well as any other figure aside from 55. God knows why...  :unsure:

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Thanks folks. Turns out the order_payment.tpl was displaying the discount twice - the actual payment processors (paypal for example) displayed the correct price., so no money was actually being lost. In the end, I did some digging around on github and downloaded an updated the order_payment.tpl file which has now fixed the issue.


Anyone looking for it (I'm on PS



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