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Registration of more than 4 delivery addresses by same customer not possible?

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A customer with 6 different addresses  (his HQ & 5 sales points - one VAT with HQ and 5 braches), registered his first address as his HQ. Then he kept registering separately each one of the 5 sales points addresses, as he needs a separate delivery slip for each one of them. We realised that:

- on front office he can see only the first 4 registrations (HQ and 3 sales point), the last 2 missing

- on the back office: CUSTOMERS>customers>View>ADDRESSES:  we can see only the first 4 registrations (HQ and 3 sales point)

- at same time on back office: CUSTOMERS>addresses: we can see all 6 registrations

Nevertheless, during checking out in the conclusion of an order, he has the possibility of choosing the delivery address from the drop down menu among the first 4 registrations, the rest not shown.


Is this a preset for max. 4 addresses per registration or we have set something wrong?

Edited by ilias61 (see edit history)
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What version of PrestaShop is this happening in?

Hello Dh42,


details of configuarion information below:


PrestaShop version

Current theme in use default-bootstrap


Server information Linux #1 SMP Thu Dec 18 06:49:17 EST 2014 x86_64

Server software version Apache

PHP version 5.2.17

Memory limit 128M

Max execution time 30


MySQL version 5.1.73

Tables prefix ps_

MySQL engine InnoDB


Changed/missing files have been detected.

Missing files (2)

  • .gitignore
  • .gitmodules

Updated files (2)

  • config/defines.inc.php
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