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Right Align of images with Category causes them to skew and go out of proportion

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Really need help please. I want to right align my category images on its respective page and have the category description  aligned next to it to its left without overlapping.


I did the following:


1. Changed the code within category.css in my template css folder

  .content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg {
    padding: 18px 10px 10px 42px;
    background-color: #464646 !important;
    background-position: right !important;
(red highlights change)
2. I then changed the size of images in Preferences > Images > Category_default to 217 x 217 Screemshot (post-1013023-0-85897300-1431842141_thumb.png)
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Welcome to the forum first. And for your image issue check category.tpl.

You will see there that category image is there as inline style and background image.

Notice of /cover that is stretches image on whole container.


You can edit that and make maybe 2 columns, one on left bigger to have text and other

with img element to hold category image, not as background. 

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x2. The category image has an inline style overriding the changes you've been doing with CSS:

<div class="content_scene_cat_bg" style="min-height: 870px; background: url(http://azeeztrading.com/img/c/3-category_default.jpg) 100% 50% / cover no-repeat;">
                                                    <div class="cat_desc">
Once you've removed that, edit the CSS code like this:
.content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg {
    padding: 18px 10px 10px 42px;
    background: url(http://azeeztrading.com/img/c/3-category_default.jpg) right top no-repeat;
It'll look like this:

After that, all you'll have to do is give some padding to the right to the text of the category description :).
Edited by moy2010 (see edit history)
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Here is the code from my Category.tpl please can you help me amend


<div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; background-size:cover; min-height:{$categorySize.height}px;"{/if}>


Will i need to regenerate thumbnail after changin this?


I tried changing it to 


                    <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right center no-repeat; "{/if}>



but no benefit.

Edited by moizizzy (see edit history)
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I even tried the following now. I edited the CSS to


.content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg {
    padding: 18px 10px 10px 42px;
    background-color: #464646 !important;
    background-position: right top no-repeat; !important; }
I modified category.tpl to
                    <div class="content_scene_cat_bg"{if $category->id_image} style="background:url({$link->getCatImageLink($category->link_rewrite, $category->id_image, 'category_default')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}) right top no-repeat;"{/if}>
I regenerated THumbNail and the result is still the same :( :(
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You can not have no-repeat in background-position property, if you want that separate use background-repeat.


But try this, background-size is main here

.content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg {
  padding: 18px 10px 10px 42px;
  background-color: #fff !important;
  background-size: inherit !important;
  min-height: 400px !important;

And adjust min-height, and also change heading color

.content_scene_cat span.category-name {
  font: 600 42px/51px "Open Sans", sans-serif;
  color: #444;
  margin-bottom: 12px;

Or adjust colors to you style.

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You can not have no-repeat in background-position property, if you want that separate use background-repeat.


But try this, background-size is main here

.content_scene_cat .content_scene_cat_bg {
  padding: 18px 10px 10px 42px;
  background-color: #fff !important;
  background-size: inherit !important;
  min-height: 400px !important;

And adjust min-height, and also change heading color

.content_scene_cat span.category-name {
  font: 600 42px/51px "Open Sans", sans-serif;
  color: #444;
  margin-bottom: 12px;

Or adjust colors to you style.





Hi @SPAM Mod that solved the problem. Thank You

Edited by moizizzy (see edit history)
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