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Group product details in invoice

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Hello, my name is Federico, i'm new to Prestashop and I would need some help about something I have to accomplish with my store.


Long story short: I need to see the details of all the products within a group product in my invoice with its own tax rule and price.


Long story: I have this group product which costs 24 dollars, no tax applied.

This group product does have 2 simple products in it:

  1. The product itself which costs 21.50 dollars, no tax applied
  2. Another product attached wich costs 2.05 dollars, with 22% tax applied, for a total amount of 2.50 dollars

Total of products in my group product is equal to 24 dollars, exactly like the price of the group product itself.


All I need to do now is to show this kind of detail in the invoice.


It would be great if something like this could be accomplished:

If the product is a simple or a virtual one then build the regular invoice.

If the product is a group one then show the details of each product in it like following:


"Group item name" 24$ 

"Product 1 name" - price excl. tax 21.50$ - tax 0% - price incl. tax 21.50$

"Product 2 name" - price excl. tax 2.05$ - tax 22% - price incl. tax 2.50$


Grand total 24$


Or something like that. I'm not expert in Prestashop but I think this is possible.

The questions are:

1. is this hard to accomplish?

2. how can i do that?


If the solution to this problem needs a complex module to be done we're willing to get quotations for having the job done, paying for it.

Thank you very much.


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To clarify:

I believe I should do something like that


override the getContent() and getTemplateByCountry() methods in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php to something like this


	 * Returns the template's HTML content
	 * @return string HTML content
        public function getContent()
		$invoice_address = new Address((int)$this->order->id_address_invoice);
		$country = new Country((int)$invoice_address->id_country);

		$formatted_invoice_address = AddressFormat::generateAddress($invoice_address, array(), '<br />', ' ');
		$formatted_delivery_address = '';

		if ($this->order->id_address_delivery != $this->order->id_address_invoice)
			$delivery_address = new Address((int)$this->order->id_address_delivery);
			$formatted_delivery_address = AddressFormat::generateAddress($delivery_address, array(), '<br />', ' ');

                $customer = new Customer((int)$this->order->id_customer);

		$order_details = $this->order_invoice->getProducts();
		if (Configuration::get('PS_PDF_IMG_INVOICE'))
			foreach ($order_details as &$order_detail)
				if ($order_detail['image'] != null)
					$name = 'product_mini_'.(int)$order_detail['product_id'].(isset($order_detail['product_attribute_id']) ? '_'.(int)$order_detail['product_attribute_id'] : '').'.jpg';
					$order_detail['image_tag'] = ImageManager::thumbnail(_PS_IMG_DIR_.'p/'.$order_detail['image']->getExistingImgPath().'.jpg', $name, 45, 'jpg', false);
					if (file_exists(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$name))
						$order_detail['image_size'] = getimagesize(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_.$name);
						$order_detail['image_size'] = false;
                                * Code i should put here to detect if this is a group product and if it is, 
                                * add the sub-products details to $order_details


		$data = array(
			'order' => $this->order,
			'order_details' => $order_details,
			'cart_rules' => $this->order->getCartRules($this->order_invoice->id),
			'delivery_address' => $formatted_delivery_address,
			'invoice_address' => $formatted_invoice_address,
			'tax_excluded_display' => Group::getPriceDisplayMethod($customer->id_default_group),
			'tax_tab' => $this->getTaxTabContent(),
			'customer' => $customer

		if (Tools::getValue('debug'))


		return $this->smarty->fetch($this->getTemplateByCountry($country->iso_code));

	 * Returns the invoice template associated to the country iso_code
	 * @param string $iso_country
	protected function getTemplateByCountry($iso_country)
		$file = Configuration::get('PS_INVOICE_MODEL');
                * Code i should put here to detect if the order has a group product,
                * and switch the template accordingly

		// try to fetch the iso template
		$template = $this->getTemplate($file.'.'.$iso_country);

		// else use the default one
		if (!$template)
			$template = $this->getTemplate($file);

		return $template;
But the question remains... how do i accomplish these operations? For example, wich is the method to detect if the product is a group one? Wich is the method to get its sub-products?


Thanks so much everyone for helping.

Edited by Federico Portoghese (see edit history)
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Hello. I managed to do it by myself. In the end they're just PHP Classes :D


Here's what I did if someone is interested.


I overrided the classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php by adding this pieco of code to the getContent() method


/* check wheter or not the products in order are packs and if so adds the item to order details */
foreach ($order_details as &$order_detail)
     $product = new PackCore((int)$order_detail['product_id']);
         $order_detail['isPack'] = TRUE;    
         $order_detail['packItems'] = $product->getItems((int)$order_detail['product_id']);
     } else {
         $order_detail['isPack'] = FALSE;
This basically checks if products in order are packs or not using the PackCore class isPack() method.

If the product is a pack add a boolean variable to tell "Yeah it is a pack" :D and then add a the packItems array wich contains each item using the PackCore class getItems() method.


All these new variables and arrays are sent to the smarty template and I can use them to format the template accordingly. :D


Hope it helps.


Bye bye

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  • 2 months later...

Hello. I managed to do it by myself. In the end they're just PHP Classes :D


Here's what I did if someone is interested.


I overrided the classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php by adding this pieco of code to the getContent() method


/* check wheter or not the products in order are packs and if so adds the item to order details */
foreach ($order_details as &$order_detail)
     $product = new PackCore((int)$order_detail['product_id']);
         $order_detail['isPack'] = TRUE;    
         $order_detail['packItems'] = $product->getItems((int)$order_detail['product_id']);
     } else {
         $order_detail['isPack'] = FALSE;
This basically checks if products in order are packs or not using the PackCore class isPack() method.

If the product is a pack add a boolean variable to tell "Yeah it is a pack" :D and then add a the packItems array wich contains each item using the PackCore class getItems() method.


All these new variables and arrays are sent to the smarty template and I can use them to format the template accordingly. :D


Hope it helps.


Bye bye




What should I add to the invoice.product-tab.tpl file to recover the retail pack?


Edited by votre-evenement.be (see edit history)
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Could you help me?? :wacko:


I tried this in invoice.product-tab.tpl:

{if $order_detail.isPack}
   {foreach from=$order_detail.packItems item=packy}
      {Pack::getItems($order_detail.id_product, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))}
      {Pack::getItemTable($order_detail.id_product, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))}

and return number of packItem and array and nothing else...


Are you a suggestion?



Edited by votre-evenement.be (see edit history)
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I supposed that not the perfect code but...

{if Pack::isPack($order_detail.id_product)}{assign var=packItems value=Pack::getItemTable($order_detail.id_product, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))}
   {if $packItems|@count > 0}
      {foreach from=$packItems item=packItem}
         <br/>{$packItem.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {l s='Quantity' pdf='true'}: {$packItem.pack_quantity}

it's work :)

Edited by votre-evenement.be (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

Hello there,


I try this solution to get items of a pack in invoice template, but it doesn't work.


My version is latest (, and I override getContent() in HTMLTemplateInvoice.php as described then I try the piece of code in invoice.product-tab.tpl.


Is there anyone that can find me a solution ?



Edited by floxator (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Hello there,


I try this solution to get items of a pack in invoice template, but it doesn't work.


My version is latest (, and I override getContent() in HTMLTemplateInvoice.php as described then I try the piece of code in invoice.product-tab.tpl.


Is there anyone that can find me a solution ?





Try this

<!-- PRODUCTS -->
	{foreach $order_details as $order_detail}
		{cycle values=["color_line_even", "color_line_odd"] assign=bgcolor_class}
		<tr class="product {$bgcolor_class}">

			<td class="product center">
			<td class="product left">
				{if $display_product_images}
					<table width="100%">
							<td width="15%">
								{if isset($order_detail.image) && $order_detail.image->id}
							<td width="5%"> </td>
							<td width="80%">
					{if Pack::isPack($order_detail.id_product)}{assign var=packItems value=Pack::getItemTable($order_detail.id_product, Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'))}
						{if $packItems|@count > 0}
								{foreach from=$packItems item=packItem}

									<br/>{$packItem.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'} {l s='Quantity' pdf='true'}: {$packItem.pack_quantity}

			<td class="product center">

			{if isset($layout.before_discount)}


Edited by votre-evenement.be (see edit history)
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