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Can't find module redirection source


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Hi everyone,


I ve just bought a shop selector module that displays a page when the costumer arrives on the shop to allow him to select a store.


The module is redirecting from the homepage to the selection store layout if that choice has not been made before. After a store has been selected, the costumer is redirected back to the homepage.


I want to change this module to let the costumer on the homepage but allow hil to choose his store in a modal window but i ve got a problem. Actually i can't find where the redirection is set. I ve search in all the files of the module in the '/modules/themodule' folder and nothing. Even when i deactivate the module or rename the folder, the redirection is still triggered but lead to a 404 page (which is logic since PS can't find the layouts). I ve search in the database too but found nothing.


Does anyone know if there s a specific file or location where you can set something for a module that is not in its own folder? Is it a common thing? Is there something on the admin folder files that i should look into?


Thanks a lot guys.



Edited by Alheone (see edit history)
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Hello Arnoud, welcome to the forum :-)


Maybe the module made some changes in the file /index.php and doesn't clean up neatly (i.e. test if modification should be triggered) when module is just deactivated?


Give it a try and let us know.


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Hi Pascal


Thanks for your answer.


Finally I ve found  (with a little help) the solution. When installing, the module i pasting a frontcontroller file in the override folder of Prestashop. I was trying to modify the same file in the module directory when i should have modify the pasted one in the override directory. Good thing to know :)



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