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Such a nice cart but no documentation - How Amazing it is

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What amazes me the most is that we have a beautiful cart system with Prestashop, but there is zip nada, no good documentation available, not even in the code.
I think this is amazing!!!
When i was programming shell scripts, half of the script used to be comments.

How can such a huge code effort exist without some good docs?
Is there an almighty php wizard around who knows all ?

Just my ramblings

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Just out of curiosity, what more are you looking for?

They have a wiki which pretty clearly explains the basics...http://www.prestashop.com/wiki/

Then there's this lovely thing called a forum that you just posted on. With thousands of pages it would be impossible to document each and every code. Hence the forum and availability to ask for help. Just explain what you want and if you're nice about it and explanatory enough, the good people who use this forum will spend their time (unpaid - so a little respect is a plus as well) to help you out.

If you do a simple search with clear cut criteria, lots of answers have already been explained or a question can be answered based off another explanation as well.

Just my observations.

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I know al that of course.
But, what i meant is that it amazes me that so much code can be written
and none of it has extensive comments or documentation in the code.
Like i said, i couldnt write so many lines of code without a lot of comments.
After 1/2 year i would already have forgotten what code i have written and what it does ;-)

I know the Wiki. Never used it, once. It is pretty limited. The forums are better, but i am wasting so much time
searching for the right article...

just my 2x2 cents

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I have to say, I think you're still being a bit dramatic.

Your post states "no documentation" - that is inaccurate.

There just isn't the level of documentation you seem to expect. By the way - what did you pay for the program?

If you want to use an analogy "you get what you pay for" and I believe that you get much more than that with prestashop.

Personally I hate comments within the files, it's a pain in the rear end to search through a file and try to pull the lines of code out of the lines of comments, even if they're in different colors.

How long would it take you to search through the files to find the ones you were looking for and the comments within? Believe me, I do it in Notepad++, searching all the files to find the one line I'm looking for in the one file that needs to be changed. Much easier search the posts for the correct way to edit the multiple files that would need to be edited. Plus with a program the size of prestashop, commenting each entry would make it much larger and more cumbersome than it already is.

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I am not dissapointed or frustrated with Prestashop.
This shop has been a terrific experience for me. Such a nice shop with many features that actually works.. Goodbye Zen, oscommerce, etc etc...
I even managed to get it working with certain payment modules that i needed.. Great !.

So i might seem dramatic, but still there is no good developer documentation available, unless you search and search and search.
Prestashop is quite easy to use, but when you need to customize, it would be nice to have at least some reference guide for all the special smarty codes and other dev bits of info. I am not at all a programmer, and need examples to start working on something.

But since PS is such a nice shop, it is only a matter of time before some docs will come from highly valued non-paid individuals like yourself ;-)

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