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Maximum number of attribute combinations

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Is there a maximum amount of combinations that can be created for a product?
I tried to add a product that had over 4000 combinations and both the shop and back-end page realting to the product were blank.
When I removed one of the options, effectively halving the number of combinations (just over 2000), it worked fine.

Has anyone else had this issue?

(I'm using the latest version v1.0 - r5074)

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Hi! I've a store that i'm building that some of theproducts have 7200 possible combinations. Prestashop does it all but the problem is when i tried to edit some of these products......my computer hangs up and stay for about 20 minutes until it lets me edit.....this is very annoying.....and i allready post this problem but no one helped me....

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Yes, I noticed that it does take a long time even for my smaller number of options.
It must be because it's loading all the combinations under the attributes tab. It would make sense if these were paginated or held on a separate page rather than all being loaded at once.

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