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Hook: displayHome not showing in the right place

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Hello folks.


I am writing this post as a last option after spending a couple of days trying to find the answer to my question on the forums and the rest of the net. Unfortunately without any luck so far.


Recently I bought a responsive theme for the shop I am building and when setting it up I ran into a huge problem with the display hooks not showing the right place.


As you can see on the attached image the displayHome hook is not showing the right place. I need it to be placed in the center column right next to the left column. Instead it is showing below left column.


I have searched the tpl and css files and tried hundred of things in both the footer.tpl and the header.tpl in the theme directory but without any luck so far. I have also looked at the global.css to find out if there was something to do there but everything looks okay.


I think that the problem can be related to one of the following two theories.

- Eighter the displayHome colum is too wide to be displayed next to left column

- or the hook is placed wrongly placed somewhere in the tpl files.


But as you already know, I cannot find out what to do to correct it and therefor I hope that some genius in here can help me solving the issue.





Edited by jalokin80 (see edit history)
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Okay, I figured out what was wrong with the template.


In index.tpl the designer has removed:

{if isset($HOOK_HOME) && $HOOK_HOME|trim}
    <div class="clearfix">{$HOOK_HOME}</div>

and put it in the footer.tpl instead.


So I just added it to the index.tpl again like this:

    {if isset($HOOK_HOME_TAB) && $HOOK_HOME_TAB|trim}
        <ul id="home-page-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs clearfix">
	<div class="tab-content">{$HOOK_HOME_TAB_CONTENT}</div>
{if isset($HOOK_HOME) && $HOOK_HOME|trim}
	<div class="clearfix">{$HOOK_HOME}</div>

...and removed it from footer.tpl and now it shows in the right place.


By the way if you consider to buy this theme SpecialDEV Biotheme or any other of "ThisDeveloper"'s themes on prestastore, please be aware that ThisDeveloper does not reply on your questions at all. So no support for the themes! it's real DIY themes :/

Edited by jalokin80 (see edit history)
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