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Why is Google ignoring the pages which are not in English ?

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I made a two languages site, English and French and I work hard in improving its positionning in search engines. It is starting to pay off, as it is now showing up on the first page on Yahoo (using my French keywords) and on Google, using my main english keywords (ie: old photo restoration or photo touching up). Here it is: www.myphotorescue.com

However, none of the french keywords work with Google search. Looks like that Google (even Google fr) is not referencing at all the French pages.
I have checked my sitemap and declared it at Google, all french pages are in, together with their English sisters.

I used yesterday the excellent AgentWebRanking in demo mode, and could verified that effectively, not of my french keywords are working.

There is something I'm missing or doing wrong, but what is it ?

I'm looking for a tutorial or guidance on how to a have a multilangage Prestashop site referrenced in all langages, not only in English (or on the main one).

I'm aware of this tuto http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/27056/developpement_et_modules/resolu_referencement_multilingue But does not work for me, as my host does not support domain alias.
I own www.myphotorescue.fr, but this one is simply re-routed to the .com, passing the fr langage as parameter (/index.php?id_lang=2). and this is not working with this tuto/mod.

Any help will be highly appreciated as this limitation is simply killing my business.


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