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Can not process orders - page goes blank

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I have created new order status "Bank transfer OK" that when I receive money to bank account I can change "Awaiting bank wire payment" to this new status. I have set up status as paid, create invoice and send email to customer with payment template... (attachment1)


When I actually change order status in BO, page starts loading and goes blank (attachment2) and that's it. If I refresh or go back status is actually changed and invoice created. But if I click on invoice button, page again goes blank and nothing happens. As well their is no email in customer email account. 


Any idea?


post-866331-0-17380800-1430392236_thumb.jpg post-866331-0-36975700-1430392315_thumb.jpg

Edited by Sandon (see edit history)
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Actually I have found out that all my ordering process does not work properly any more. If in BO under "Orders" I want to open one old invoice same thing happens as above. Page just go blank. I can not download invoice or open any of old invoices any more. 


Also if there is an order and paid with PayPal, Paypal charges normally but from Paypal site instead of going to confirmation page customer is redirected to blank page and nothing happens. Also there is no "Confirmation email" in customer inbox. Under "Orders" in BO invoice is created but again same story - blank page.


 If I go to "Orders" - "Invoices" and "Generate PDF files by status" I also can not download file because it's written "Failed - Server problem" (attachment3).


And before everything was working fine. I am not aware that I would do anything. I only installed Presto-Changeo shipping module. Please help because it's urgent! I have orders waiting but can not process them.



Edited by Sandon (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...

I have a blank page in the orders tab with this message Not valid SQL query Unknown column 'einote' in 'field list'

Anyone can help me to found the solution?



Prestashop version



That does not sound like a core field. Do you have any module that adds/allows to add some kind of note to the orders? I would suggest try disabling overrides in Advanced Parameters > Performance. If you stop getting the error then the issue will be with an override (in the /overrides folder). 

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Many thanks for your reply, I discover last night this is an override problem related to a module "Edit Invoice". I disable the override and the orders reappear.

The override is used from a new module installed yesterday but it do not create problem, it have just switch on the override to work. Previsously are switched off because the use of module "Edit Invoice" is very rare.

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