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[SOLVED] - 1.2.5 - status "shipped" increases the # of sales and amount

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I just upgraded from 1.1 to 1.2.5.
In 1.1, whenever an order was place ("payment accepted"), I did not allow to see the invoice.
Because I'm having problem with phantom orders (paypal records them but not PS), I found out that (for me at least), allowing to see the invoice when the order was placed increased the orders # and sales amount.

Now I had some orders with "preparation in progress" that I now set as "Shipped" , those are also increasing my # of sales for the day for the amount of the sale.

That's totally bogus to me !
what's going on with the 1.2.5 ????

Is there a tool to recalculate the stats ?

Thank you

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I had to update the following to show the correct info since Invoices are ALWAYS generated after a delivery in Any business.
I'm not sure why the Presta is using that rule of invoicing date to show sales ...
Anyway, here is the solution for those interested:

The file which should be modified is adminstats.php (in /admin/tabs folder).

Find “public static function getSales($dateBetween)” (should be on line 46).
a)replace ‘invoice_date’ in the $result formula with ‘date_add’
b)replace ‘invoice_date’ in the $xtrems formula with ‘date_add’
c)replace ‘invoice_date’ in the $products formula with ‘date_add’

and Also
Module/statshome.php :
changed "invoice_date" by date_add

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