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CSV import : product with text field

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Hi !


I want to import product in prestashop, and I need that all product get a text field. So I use this :

Text field (0 = No, 1 = Yes)


But, after import I need to go to every imported products, go to Customization tab, give my field a name and save.


I read this topic : https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/319630-csv-import-and-file-fields/ and try :


"fieldname1"|1, "fieldname2"|1, "fieldname3"|0, "fieldname4"|0


But then I get a error message :


Property Product->text_fields is not valid


Have anyone a solution for that problem ?

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  • 2 months later...


I nedeed to add a text filed for all my product so I create this script and launch it : 


$db = new DB();


if (($db != null) && ($db->isOk()))


$rs = mysql_query("update ps_category_lang set name=SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '(', 1)  WHERE  name REGEXP '([[:digit:]]+)';");

$rs = mysql_query("truncate table ps_customization_field;");

$rs = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field (id_product,type,required) SELECT id_product,1,0 FROM ps_product WHERE id_shop_default = 2;"); 

$rs = mysql_query("truncate table ps_customization_field_lang;");

$rs = mysql_query("INSERT INTO ps_customization_field_lang (id_customization_field, id_lang,id_shop,name) select id_customization_field,1,2,'Taille du cadre' from ps_customization_field;");



You could adapt it and use it. 

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No, it's a php file, you must run it from the browser.


This bit of code delete the content of the table ps_customization_field and ps_customization_field_lang and add for each product where is in the shop 2, a text field named 'Taille du cadre'. So you will have to adapt it for your use. And you must enter the information to connect DB.

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