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search.php tag problem

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Hi all, i hope i have posted this in the right forum.

Basically when clicking on a tag in the tags box, it also seems to perform a standard search through description and everything else, so ends up displaying items that have not even got that tag. for example:


Will display items tagged with test AND any items that have 'test' anywhere in the description/title/category. Even if i remove the tag 'test' in 'Back Office >> Catalog >> Tags', using the above url will still display products.

Has anyone noticed the same problem? Is there a way to have it so that clicking on a tag from the tags box only displays products that actually have that tag?

Have tried removing all tags, re-indexing the search, clearing the search tables in the database and can't seem to find a solution.

Any help would be awesome, going a bit crazy trying to figure this one out!


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a quick update. you can recreate this problem even with a fresh install of the latest version of prestashop.

Click on 'shuffle' in the tags box. ipod shuffle and ipod nano both show up.

ipod nano is not tagged with 'shuffle' but does have the word shuffle in its description.

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I've noticed today this problem: when I click on a tag, for example mysite/tags/word1+word2 it displays not only the products tagged with "word1 word2" but all the products with word1 or word2 in description.

How can I make that when I click on a tag to display only the products tagged with that specific tag?

I've read the bug tracker, but I don't understood: the problem was fixed or not? And what is a SVN version?

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I don't want to upgrade yet to 1.3 because I've made a lot of modification in a lot of files to fix things and to make my shop to look like I want. I'll take a look in 1.3 version though, to see how can I fix this for my version. I suppose there was modifications only in tag.php and in blocktags module for this fix.

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