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Displaying current tier categories in categories page

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where it has the subcategories in the categories.php page.. how can i get the categories in the same tier to show up right above the subcategories..

here is the code for the sub categories links at top of the categories.php

   {if isset($subcategories)}
   <!-- Subcategories -->

{l s='Subcategories'}

       {foreach from=$subcategories item=subcategory}

getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
                   {if $subcategory.id_image}
getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="" />


getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}



insted of showing categories under the current category.. i wnat to link the current category along with the others in the same tier as the current.. thanks

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Add this to category.php on line 50 (just before the $subCategories line):

$parentSubCategories = array();
if ($category->id != 1)
   $parent = new Category($category->id_parent);
   $parentSubCategories = $parent->getSubCategories(intval($cookie->id_lang));
if (sizeof($parentSubCategories) > 0)
   $smarty->assign('parentSubcategories', $parentSubCategories);

then add the following before the code you mentioned above:

{if isset($parentSubcategories)}
<!-- Subcategories -->

{l s='Parent Subcategories'}

   {foreach from=$parentSubcategories item=subcategory}

getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">
               {if $subcategory.id_image}
getCatImageLink($subcategory.link_rewrite, $subcategory.id_image, 'medium')}" alt="" />


getCategoryLink($subcategory.id_category, $subcategory.link_rewrite)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$subcategory.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}



This code should work, but the problem is that it uses two id="subcategories", which is bad. It would be better if you changed both id="subcategories" to class="subcategories", then in global.css, change all #subcategories to .subcategories.

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I also cannot get this to work.

I would like to have that when I'm on a subcategorie that all categories around that one where Iḿ in are showed... so the rest that is under that parent.

How to do this ?

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