Simple Kiwi Posted April 21, 2015 Share Posted April 21, 2015 I'm setting up a new site on and noticed the search and cart icons appear fine but my home icon in the breadcrumb section does not appear. I also noticed on the homepage the custom CMS block is missing it's icons. Any ideas? I've been Google'ing this for hours now. I am using the latest version of Prestashop and all modules are updated. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted April 23, 2015 Author Share Posted April 23, 2015 No one has had this issue? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blackflow Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) You are missing this: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted April 29, 2015 Author Share Posted April 29, 2015 Thanks for the reply blackflow...that was actually caused by my rating carousel plugin. I removed the plugin and the page error you sited went away. I also tried physically replacing the woff file with a 4.1.0 file and it did not help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dh42 Posted April 29, 2015 Share Posted April 29, 2015 Its not missing the icons, it looks like the style sheet that is controlling them does not have anything in them for the home icon at least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted April 29, 2015 Author Share Posted April 29, 2015 It seems that my global.css file displayed this for each rule: .icon-minus-sign:before { content: ""; } When it should have been something like this: .icon-minus-sign:before { content: "\f056"; } I'm not sure how those numbers were removed but it's working fine now. THANKS!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maximusimo Posted August 12, 2015 Share Posted August 12, 2015 planbjz it seems like you had the same problem I currently have. How did you resolve this? If the numbers are now in the style sheet is it possible you could post the full font awesome css from global.css In mine it starts with /*! * Font Awesome 4.1.0 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome * License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) */ /* FONT PATH * -------------------------- */ and ends with .icon-bomb:before { content: ""; } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted August 12, 2015 Author Share Posted August 12, 2015 /*! * Font Awesome 4.1.0 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome * License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) */ /* FONT PATH * -------------------------- */ @font-face { font-family: 'FontAwesome'; src: url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.1.0"); src: url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.1.0") format("embedded-opentype"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.1.0") format("woff"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.1.0") format("truetype"), url("../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.1.0#fontawesomeregular") format("svg"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } .icon, [class^=icon-] { display: inline-block; font-family: FontAwesome; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } /* makes the font 33% larger relative to the icon container */ .icon-lg { font-size: 1.33333em; line-height: 0.75em; vertical-align: -15%; } .icon-2x { font-size: 2em; } .icon-3x { font-size: 3em; } .icon-4x { font-size: 4em; } .icon-5x { font-size: 5em; } .icon-fw { width: 1.28571em; text-align: center; } .icon-ul { padding-left: 0; margin-left: 2.14286em; list-style-type: none; } .icon-ul > li { position: relative; } .icon-li { position: absolute; left: -2.14286em; width: 2.14286em; top: 0.14286em; text-align: center; } .icon-li.icon-lg { left: -1.85714em; } .icon-border { padding: .2em .25em .15em; border: solid 0.08em #eee; border-radius: .1em; } .pull-right { float: right; } .pull-left { float: left; } .icon.pull-left, .pull-left[class^=icon-] { margin-right: .3em; } .icon.pull-right, .pull-right[class^=icon-] { margin-left: .3em; } .icon-spin { -webkit-animation: spin 2s infinite linear; -moz-animation: spin 2s infinite linear; -o-animation: spin 2s infinite linear; animation: spin 2s infinite linear; } @-moz-keyframes spin { 0% { -moz-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -moz-transform: rotate(359deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); } } @-o-keyframes spin { 0% { -o-transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -o-transform: rotate(359deg); } } @keyframes spin { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); transform: rotate(0deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg); transform: rotate(359deg); } } .icon-rotate-90 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1); -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg); -moz-transform: rotate(90deg); -ms-transform: rotate(90deg); -o-transform: rotate(90deg); transform: rotate(90deg); } .icon-rotate-180 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg); -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); -ms-transform: rotate(180deg); -o-transform: rotate(180deg); transform: rotate(180deg); } .icon-rotate-270 { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg); -moz-transform: rotate(270deg); -ms-transform: rotate(270deg); -o-transform: rotate(270deg); transform: rotate(270deg); } .icon-flip-horizontal { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); transform: scale(-1, 1); } .icon-flip-vertical { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2); -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1); -moz-transform: scale(1, -1); -ms-transform: scale(1, -1); -o-transform: scale(1, -1); transform: scale(1, -1); } .icon-stack { position: relative; display: inline-block; width: 2em; height: 2em; line-height: 2em; vertical-align: middle; } .icon-stack-1x, .icon-stack-2x { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; } .icon-stack-1x { line-height: inherit; } .icon-stack-2x { font-size: 2em; } .icon-inverse { color: #fff; } /* Font Awesome uses the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) to ensure screen * readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */ .icon-glass:before { content: "\f000"; } .icon-music:before { content: "\f001"; } .icon-search:before { content: "\f002"; } .icon-envelope-alt:before { content: "\f003"; } .icon-heart:before { content: "\f004"; } .icon-star:before { content: "\f005"; } .icon-star-empty:before { content: "\f006"; } .icon-user:before { content: "\f007"; } .icon-film:before { content: "\f008"; } .icon-th-large:before { content: "\f009"; } .icon-th:before { content: "\f00a"; } .icon-th-list:before { content: "\f00b"; } .icon-ok:before { content: "\f00c"; } .icon-remove:before { content: "\f00d"; } .icon-zoom-in:before { content: "\f00e"; } .icon-zoom-out:before { content: "\f010"; } .icon-power-off:before, .icon-off:before { content: "\f011"; } .icon-signal:before { content: "\f012"; } .icon-gear:before, .icon-cog:before { content: "\f013"; } .icon-trash:before { content: "\f014"; } .icon-home:before { content: "\f015";color:#bc266e; } .icon-file-alt:before { content: "\f016"; } .icon-time:before { content: "\f017"; } .icon-road:before { content: "\f018"; } .icon-download-alt:before { content: "\f019"; } .icon-download:before { content: "\f01a"; } .icon-upload:before { content: "\f01b"; } .icon-inbox:before { content: "\f01c"; } .icon-play-circle:before { content: "\f01d"; } .icon-rotate-right:before, .icon-repeat:before { content: "\f01e"; } .icon-refresh:before { content: "\f021"; } .icon-list-alt:before { content: "\f022"; } .icon-lock:before { content: "\f023"; } .icon-flag:before { content: "\f024"; } .icon-headphones:before { content: "\f025"; } .icon-volume-off:before { content: "\f026"; } .icon-volume-down:before { content: "\f027"; } .icon-volume-up:before { content: "\f028"; } .icon-qrcode:before { content: "\f029"; } .icon-barcode:before { content: "\f02a"; } .icon-tag:before { content: "\f02b"; } .icon-tags:before { content: "\f02c"; } .icon-book:before { content: "\f02d"; } .icon-bookmark:before { content: "\f02e"; } .icon-print:before { content: "\f02f"; } .icon-camera:before { content: "\f030"; } .icon-font:before { content: "\f031"; } .icon-bold:before { content: "\f032"; } .icon-italic:before { content: "\f033"; } .icon-text-height:before { content: "\f034"; } .icon-text-width:before { content: "\f035"; } .icon-align-left:before { content: "\f036"; } .icon-align-center:before { content: "\f037"; } .icon-align-right:before { content: "\f038"; } .icon-align-justify:before { content: "\f039"; } .icon-list:before { content: "\f03a"; } .icon-indent-left:before { content: "\f03b"; } .icon-indent-right:before { content: "\f03c"; } .icon-facetime-video:before { content: "\f03d"; } .icon-picture:before { content: "\f03e"; } .icon-pencil:before { content: "\f040"; } .icon-map-marker:before { content: "\f041"; } .icon-adjust:before { content: "\f042"; } .icon-tint:before { content: "\f043"; } .icon-edit:before { content: "\f044"; } .icon-share:before { content: "\f045"; } .icon-check:before { content: "\f046"; } .icon-move:before { content: "\f047"; } .icon-step-backward:before { content: "\f048"; } .icon-fast-backward:before { content: "\f049"; } .icon-backward:before { content: "\f04a"; } .icon-play:before { content: "\f04b"; } .icon-pause:before { content: "\f04c"; } .icon-stop:before { content: "\f04d"; } .icon-forward:before { content: "\f04e"; } .icon-fast-forward:before { content: "\f050"; } .icon-step-forward:before { content: "\f051"; } .icon-eject:before { content: "\f052"; } .icon-chevron-left:before { content: "\f053"; } .icon-chevron-right:before { content: "\f054"; } .icon-plus-sign:before { content: "\f055"; } .icon-minus-sign:before { content: "\f056"; } .icon-remove-sign:before { content: "\f057"; } .icon-ok-sign:before { content: "\f058"; } .icon-question-sign:before { content: "\f059"; } .icon-info-sign:before { content: "\f05a"; } .icon-screenshot:before { content: "\f05b"; } .icon-remove-circle:before { content: "\f05c"; } .icon-ok-circle:before { content: "\f05d"; } .icon-ban-circle:before { content: "\f05e"; } .icon-arrow-left:before { content: "\f060"; } .icon-arrow-right:before { content: "\f061"; } .icon-arrow-up:before { content: "\f062"; } .icon-arrow-down:before { content: "\f063"; } .icon-mail-forward:before, .icon-share-alt:before { content: "\f064"; } .icon-resize-full:before { content: "\f065"; } .icon-resize-small:before { content: "\f066"; } .icon-plus:before { content: "\f067"; } .icon-minus:before { content: "\f068"; } .icon-asterisk:before { content: "\f069"; } .icon-exclamation-sign:before { content: "\f06a"; } .icon-gift:before { content: "\f06b"; } .icon-leaf:before { content: "\f06c"; } .icon-fire:before { content: "\f06d"; } .icon-eye-open:before { content: "\f06e"; } .icon-eye-close:before { content: "\f070"; } .icon-warning-sign:before { content: "\f071"; } .icon-plane:before { content: "\f072"; } .icon-calendar:before { content: "\f073"; } .icon-random:before { content: "\f074"; } .icon-comment:before { content: "\f075"; } .icon-magnet:before { content: "\f076"; } .icon-chevron-up:before { content: "\f077"; } .icon-chevron-down:before { content: "\f078"; } .icon-retweet:before { content: "\f079"; } .icon-shopping-cart:before { content: "\f07a"; } .icon-folder-close:before { content: "\f07b"; } .icon-folder-open:before { content: "\f07c"; } .icon-resize-vertical:before { content: "\f07d"; } .icon-resize-horizontal:before { content: "\f07e"; } .icon-bar-chart:before { content: "\f080"; } .icon-twitter-sign:before { content: "\f081"; } .icon-facebook-sign:before { content: "\f082"; } .icon-camera-retro:before { content: "\f083"; } .icon-key:before { content: "\f084"; } .icon-gears:before, .icon-cogs:before { content: "\f085"; } .icon-comments:before { content: "\f086"; } .icon-thumbs-up-alt:before { content: "\f087"; } .icon-thumbs-down-alt:before { content: "\f088"; } .icon-star-half:before { content: "\f089"; } .icon-heart-empty:before { content: "\f08a"; } .icon-signout:before { content: "\f08b"; } .icon-linkedin-sign:before { content: "\f08c"; } .icon-pushpin:before { content: "\f08d"; } .icon-external-link:before { content: "\f08e"; } .icon-signin:before { content: "\f090"; } .icon-trophy:before { content: "\f091"; } .icon-github-sign:before { content: "\f092"; } .icon-upload-alt:before { content: "\f093"; } .icon-lemon:before { content: "\f094"; } .icon-phone:before { content: "\f095"; } .icon-unchecked:before, .icon-check-empty:before { content: "\f096"; } .icon-bookmark-empty:before { content: "\f097"; } .icon-phone-sign:before { content: "\f098"; } .icon-twitter:before { content: "\f099"; } .icon-facebook:before { content: "\f09a"; } .icon-github:before { content: "\f09b"; } .icon-unlock:before { content: "\f09c"; } .icon-credit-card:before { content: "\f09d"; } .icon-rss:before { content: "\f09e"; } .icon-hdd:before { content: "\f0a0"; } .icon-bullhorn:before { content: "\f0a1"; } .icon-bell:before { content: "\f0a2"; } .icon-certificate:before { content: "\f0a3"; } .icon-hand-right:before { content: "\f0a4"; } .icon-hand-left:before { content: "\f0a5"; } .icon-hand-up:before { content: "\f0a6"; } .icon-hand-down:before { content: "\f0a7"; } .icon-circle-arrow-left:before { content: "\f0a8"; } .icon-circle-arrow-right:before { content: "\f0a9"; } .icon-circle-arrow-up:before { content: "\f0aa"; } .icon-circle-arrow-down:before { content: "\f0ab"; } .icon-globe:before { content: "\f0ac"; } .icon-wrench:before { content: "\f0ad"; } .icon-tasks:before { content: "\f0ae"; } .icon-filter:before { content: "\f0b0"; } .icon-briefcase:before { content: "\f0b1"; } .icon-fullscreen:before { content: "\f0b2"; } .icon-group:before { content: "\f0c0"; } .icon-link:before { content: "\f0c1"; } .icon-cloud:before { content: "\f0c2"; } .icon-beaker:before { content: "\f0c3"; } .icon-cut:before { content: "\f0c4"; } .icon-copy:before { content: "\f0c5"; } .icon-paperclip:before, .icon-paper-clip:before { content: "\f0c6"; } .icon-save:before { content: "\f0c7"; } .icon-sign-blank:before { content: "\f0c8"; } .icon-reorder:before { content: "\f0c9"; } .icon-list-ul:before { content: "\f0ca"; } .icon-list-ol:before { content: "\f0cb"; } .icon-strikethrough:before { content: "\f0cc"; } .icon-underline:before { content: "\f0cd"; } .icon-table:before { content: "\f0ce"; } .icon-magic:before { content: "\f0d0"; } .icon-truck:before { content: "\f0d1"; } .icon-pinterest:before { content: "\f0d2"; } .icon-pinterest-sign:before { content: "\f0d3"; } .icon-google-plus-sign:before { content: "\f0d4"; } .icon-google-plus:before { content: "\f0d5"; } .icon-money:before { content: "\f0d6"; } .icon-caret-down:before { content: "\f0d7"; } .icon-caret-up:before { content: "\f0d8"; } .icon-caret-left:before { content: "\f0d9"; } .icon-caret-right:before { content: "\f0da"; } .icon-columns:before { content: "\f0db"; } .icon-sort:before { content: "\f0dc"; } .icon-sort-down:before { content: "\f0dd"; } .icon-sort-up:before { content: "\f0de"; } .icon-envelope:before { content: "\f0e0"; } .icon-linkedin:before { content: "\f0e1"; } .icon-rotate-left:before, .icon-undo:before { content: "\f0e2"; } .icon-legal:before { content: "\f0e3"; } .icon-dashboard:before { content: "\f0e4"; } .icon-comment-alt:before { content: "\f0e5"; } .icon-comments-alt:before { content: "\f0e6"; } .icon-bolt:before { content: "\f0e7"; } .icon-sitemap:before { content: "\f0e8"; } .icon-umbrella:before { content: "\f0e9"; } .icon-paste:before { content: "\f0ea"; } .icon-lightbulb:before { content: "\f0eb"; } .icon-exchange:before { content: "\f0ec"; } .icon-cloud-download:before { content: "\f0ed"; } .icon-cloud-upload:before { content: "\f0ee"; } .icon-user-md:before { content: "\f0f0"; } .icon-stethoscope:before { content: "\f0f1"; } .icon-suitcase:before { content: "\f0f2"; } .icon-bell-alt:before { content: "\f0f3"; } .icon-coffee:before { content: "\f0f4"; } .icon-food:before { content: "\f0f5"; } .icon-file-text-alt:before { content: "\f0f6"; } .icon-building:before { content: "\f0f7"; } .icon-hospital:before { content: "\f0f8"; } .icon-ambulance:before { content: "\f0f9"; } .icon-medkit:before { content: "\f0fa"; } .icon-fighter-jet:before { content: "\f0fb"; } .icon-beer:before { content: "\f0fc"; } .icon-h-sign:before { content: "\f0fd"; } .icon-plus-sign-alt:before { content: "\f0fe"; } .icon-double-angle-left:before { content: "\f100"; } .icon-double-angle-right:before { content: ""; } .icon-double-angle-up:before { content: "\f102"; } .icon-double-angle-down:before { content: "\f103"; } .icon-angle-left:before { content: "\f104"; } .icon-angle-right:before { content: "\f105"; } .icon-angle-up:before { content: "\f106"; } .icon-angle-down:before { content: "\f107"; } .icon-desktop:before { content: "\f108"; } .icon-laptop:before { content: "\f109"; } .icon-tablet:before { content: "\f10a"; } .icon-mobile-phone:before { content: "\f10b"; } .icon-circle-blank:before { content: "\f10c"; } .icon-quote-left:before { content: "\f10d"; } .icon-quote-right:before { content: "\f10e"; } .icon-spinner:before { content: "\f110"; } .icon-circle:before { content: "\f111"; } .icon-mail-reply:before, .icon-reply:before { content: "\f112"; } .icon-github-alt:before { content: "\f113"; } .icon-folder-close-alt:before { content: "\f114"; } .icon-folder-open-alt:before { content: "\f115"; } .icon-expand-alt:before { content: "\f116"; } .icon-collapse-alt:before { content: "\f117"; } .icon-smile:before { content: "\f118"; } .icon-frown:before { content: "\f119"; } .icon-meh:before { content: "\f11a"; } .icon-gamepad:before { content: "\f11b"; } .icon-keyboard:before { content: "\f11c"; } .icon-flag-alt:before { content: "\f11d"; } .icon-flag-checkered:before { content: "\f11e"; } .icon-terminal:before { content: "\f120"; } .icon-code:before { content: "\f121"; } .icon-reply-all:before { content: "\f122"; } .icon-mail-reply-all:before { content: "\f122"; } .icon-star-half-full:before, .icon-star-half-empty:before { content: "\f123"; } .icon-location-arrow:before { content: "\f124"; } .icon-crop:before { content: "\f125"; } .icon-code-fork:before { content: "\f126"; } .icon-unlink:before { content: "\f127"; } .icon-question:before { content: "\f128"; } .icon-info:before { content: "\f129"; } .icon-exclamation:before { content: "\f12a"; } .icon-superscript:before { content: "\f12b"; } .icon-subscript:before { content: "\f12c"; } .icon-eraser:before { content: "\f12d"; } .icon-puzzle-piece:before { content: "\f12e"; } .icon-microphone:before { content: "\f130"; } .icon-microphone-off:before { content: "\f131"; } .icon-shield:before { content: "\f132"; } .icon-calendar-empty:before { content: "\f133"; } .icon-fire-extinguisher:before { content: "\f134"; } .icon-rocket:before { content: "\f135"; } .icon-maxcdn:before { content: "\f136"; } .icon-chevron-sign-left:before { content: "\f137"; } .icon-chevron-sign-right:before { content: "\f138"; } .icon-chevron-sign-up:before { content: "\f139"; } .icon-chevron-sign-down:before { content: "\f13a"; } .icon-html5:before { content: "\f13b"; } .icon-css3:before { content: "\f13c"; } .icon-anchor:before { content: "\f13d"; } .icon-unlock-alt:before { content: "\f13e"; } .icon-bullseye:before { content: "\f140"; } .icon-ellipsis-horizontal:before { content: "\f141"; } .icon-ellipsis-vertical:before { content: "\f142"; } .icon-rss-sign:before { content: "\f143"; } .icon-play-sign:before { content: "\f144"; } .icon-ticket:before { content: "\f145"; } .icon-minus-sign-alt:before { content: "\f146"; } .icon-check-minus:before { content: "\f147"; } .icon-level-up:before { content: "\f148"; } .icon-level-down:before { content: "\f149"; } .icon-check-sign:before { content: "\f14a"; } .icon-edit-sign:before { content: "\f14b"; } .icon-external-link-sign:before { content: "\f14c"; } .icon-share-sign:before { content: "\f14d"; } .icon-compass:before { content: "\f14e"; } .icon-collapse:before { content: "\f150"; } .icon-collapse-top:before { content: "\f151"; } .icon-expand:before { content: "\f152"; } .icon-euro:before, .icon-eur:before { content: "\f153"; } .icon-gbp:before { content: "\f154"; } .icon-dollar:before, .icon-usd:before { content: "\f155"; } .icon-rupee:before, .icon-inr:before { content: "\f156"; } .icon-yen:before, .icon-jpy:before { content: "\f157"; } .icon-renminbi:before, .icon-cny:before { content: "\f158"; } .icon-won:before, .icon-krw:before { content: "\f159"; } .icon-bitcoin:before, .icon-btc:before { content: "\f15a"; } .icon-file:before { content: "\f15b"; } .icon-file-text:before { content: "\f15c"; } .icon-sort-by-alphabet:before { content: "\f15d"; } .icon-sort-by-alphabet-alt:before { content: "\f15e"; } .icon-sort-by-attributes:before { content: "\f160"; } .icon-sort-by-attributes-alt:before { content: "\f161"; } .icon-sort-by-order:before { content: "\f162"; } .icon-sort-by-order-alt:before { content: "\f163"; } .icon-thumbs-up:before { content: "\f164"; } .icon-thumbs-down:before { content: "\f165"; } .icon-youtube-sign:before { content: "\f166"; } .icon-youtube:before { content: "\f167"; } .icon-xing:before { content: "\f168"; } .icon-xing-sign:before { content: "\f169"; } .icon-youtube-play:before { content: "\f16a"; } .icon-dropbox:before { content: "\f16b"; } .icon-stackexchange:before { content: "\f16c"; } .icon-instagram:before { content: "\f16d"; } .icon-flickr:before { content: "\f16e"; } .icon-adn:before { content: "\f170"; } .icon-bitbucket:before { content: "\f171"; } .icon-bitbucket-sign:before { content: "\f172"; } .icon-tumblr:before { content: "\f173"; } .icon-tumblr-sign:before { content: "\f174"; } .icon-long-arrow-down:before { content: "\f175"; } .icon-long-arrow-up:before { content: "\f176"; } .icon-long-arrow-left:before { content: "\f177"; } .icon-long-arrow-right:before { content: "\f178"; } .icon-apple:before { content: "\f179"; } .icon-windows:before { content: "\f17a"; } .icon-android:before { content: "\f17b"; } .icon-linux:before { content: "\f17c"; } .icon-dribbble:before { content: "\f17d"; } .icon-skype:before { content: "\f17e"; } .icon-foursquare:before { content: "\f180"; } .icon-trello:before { content: "\f181"; } .icon-female:before { content: "\f182"; } .icon-male:before { content: "\f183"; } .icon-gittip:before { content: "\f184"; } .icon-sun:before { content: "\f185"; } .icon-moon:before { content: "\f186"; } .icon-archive:before { content: "\f187"; } .icon-bug:before { content: "\f188"; } .icon-vk:before { content: "\f189"; } .icon-weibo:before { content: "\f18a"; } .icon-renren:before { content: "\f18b"; } 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
maximusimo Posted August 13, 2015 Share Posted August 13, 2015 Thanks so much for that planbjz 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xwioch Posted November 15, 2016 Share Posted November 15, 2016 Hi all, I actually got the same problem using the prestashop My globals.css file seems correct, I got the font's files in the font folder with the right permissions. What could I do for solve this problem? I use something like 10 of this icons in my checkout page, now it looks so bad with small rectangles. Any help would be appreciate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted November 15, 2016 Author Share Posted November 15, 2016 Hey Xwioch, You say your Global.CSS seems correct. Can you find this rule and verify it has the \f017 in it? .icon-time:before { content: "\f017"; } If the f017 is missing then you need to replace the css with my previous posts code. If this does not fix the issue then please share your URL so we can view your site. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xwioch Posted November 17, 2016 Share Posted November 17, 2016 (edited) Hi Simple Kiwi, I checked better and I got two folders in themes: default-bootstrap and theme1007 ( my current theme ). The global.css file in theme1007 is ok. I also got the code you posted. Instead in the default-boostrap is not ok. I don't have this code, I have the small empty rectangles. I tryed to modify this code with the right one but didn't work. I always have the wrong icons. .icon-wifi:before { content: ""; } .icon-calculator:before { content: ""; } .icon-paypal:before { content: ""; } My website is . Go to the checkout page and you'll see the problem. Thanks for your attention, I appreciate. UPDATE: I also got a font-awesome.css file in default-boostrap and it also has this "currupted" code. I changed it too with the good one but is still not working. Edited November 24, 2016 by Xwioch (see edit history) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xwioch Posted November 24, 2016 Share Posted November 24, 2016 Some news? I'm still in trouble Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted November 24, 2016 Author Share Posted November 24, 2016 Some news? I'm still in trouble Thanks! Hey Xwioch. I noticed the minus sign in your cart doesn't have font-family: "FontAwesome"; If you add font-family: "FontAwesome" !important" to your CSS file it should fix your site. You'll want to add this rule to .fa-pts Or copy and paste the following into your Global.css for theme1007: .fa-pts {font-family:"FontAwesome" !important;} Hope that helps! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xwioch Posted November 25, 2016 Share Posted November 25, 2016 Hey Xwioch. I noticed the minus sign in your cart doesn't have font-family: "FontAwesome"; If you add font-family: "FontAwesome" !important" to your CSS file it should fix your site. You'll want to add this rule to .fa-pts Or copy and paste the following into your Global.css for theme1007: .fa-pts {font-family:"FontAwesome" !important;} Hope that helps! Man you are a master! You saved me. .fa-pts {font-family:"FontAwesome" !important;} Add this code as you said at the globals.css fixed the problem. Finally! I tryed a similar solution but I made not working others icons on the site that used the class "icon" and not the "fa-pts". This is fine. I didn't know this trick with the "!important" parameter. Thanks a lot dude! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simple Kiwi Posted November 26, 2016 Author Share Posted November 26, 2016 My pleasure! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kalidodecor Posted July 25, 2022 Share Posted July 25, 2022 Hello, I have same problem!! Icons has disapered 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ComGrafPL Posted July 25, 2022 Share Posted July 25, 2022 12 minut temu, kalidodecor napisał: Hello, I have same problem!! Icons has disapered Try it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kalidodecor Posted July 25, 2022 Share Posted July 25, 2022 Great, its working, Thank You Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kalidodecor Posted July 26, 2022 Share Posted July 26, 2022 On 7/25/2022 at 12:21 PM, ComGrafPL said: Try it This module was working good but now it gets "Disabled" itself!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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