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TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account (jquery)

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I altered the checkout-page, found out the form could'nt be saved so I replaced the files with the original ones. Cleared cache and such, but still says error. So I'm trying to find out why.


When I click the save.button it says:

TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: error


And in chrome console it says:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) 


send @ jquery/jquery-1.11.0.min.js


I checked so that the jquery has the correct name, and is in the folder or root and js/jquery/. So I'm not sure why this happens. :/

Edited by midana (see edit history)
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Open up js/order-opc.js in the theme folder

Find this

error = "TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to save account \n\nDetails:\nError thrown: " + XMLHttpRequest + "\n" + 'Text status: ' + textStatus;

Soon after, you have


Replace it with 


then check the debug console

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Hm, it seems it can't find the order page? Strange, that is the actual url where it comes from, correct? quick-order?

Yes :( it's /quick-order 

 I'm thinking I probably should try and backup everything I need and re-install Prestashop in hopes of it solving the problem.




Do you have this line

order-opc     Order     quick-order

at Preferences > SEO & URLs?


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I found the issue! It was something with the module clean url that messed things up. Usually that module works great, but somewhere on this specific store it messed it up.


So the checkout works fine now. And I will try and install the module manually this time to see where the bump is in it.


Thanks for your help. :)

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The issue with one of the modules override files called Link.php if anyone wanted to know:


Strict Standards: Declaration of Link::getCategoryLink() should be compatible with LinkCore::getCategoryLink($category, $alias = NULL, $id_lang = NULL, $selected_filters = NULL, $id_shop = NULL, $relative_protocol = false) in /storage/content/21/104221/website.se/public_html/override/classes/Link.php on line 154

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