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PHP errors: You have security issues, please review all your SQL requests and cast all the variable


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PHP errors:

You have security issues, please review all your SQL requests and cast all the variables in it (pSQL, int...)


I have been given the above message when I gave my module for validation.I cannot understand the meaning of pSQl can anyone explain me and how do I cast variables like a variable that has a string for eg $name? Is it necessary for me to use string?Can someone please elaborate...thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The casting is done, so SQL injection becomes more difficult.,

So if the input should be an integer, make sure you cast it to an int before adding it to the SQL: "SELECT ....... WHERE age = .(int)$age;


Same with a string: (string)$MyInputStringVar, booleans (bool)$MyBooleanInputVar etc.

For more on type casting: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.type-juggling.php



Search the PrestaShop code for examples of pSQL. Should be loads of it. Same reason, done to reduce chance on SQL injection.




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Hi you will need to use the below format in all sql queries in your module that contain some variables see my helpful below.



$sql = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_."tablename SET `colum`='".pSQL($caption1)."',`active` =".(int)$view1." WHERE id_da =".(int)$id_awesometheme1.";";
if ($results = Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql));
Edited by JoelWebsites (see edit history)
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  • 5 months later...


Hi you will need to use the below format in all sql queries in your module that contain some variables see my helpful below.



$sql = 'UPDATE '._DB_PREFIX_."tablename SET `colum`='".pSQL($caption1)."',`active` =".(int)$view1." WHERE id_da =".(int)$id_awesometheme1.";";
if ($results = Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql));


Hi I Have Same Problem, i build modules that has same function as blockcategories, so i copied some code from it, and after my module is reviewed, i got same message, pSql is only exist on following script. this script also can be seen at blockcategories module at line 223 and 297

WHERE `id_group` IN ('.pSQL(implode(', ', Customer::getGroupsStatic((int)$this->context->customer->id))).')


AND cg.`id_group` IN ('.pSQL($groups).')

i still have no idea what i have to do about this script..can anybody help me what should i do?

Thanks so much

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