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Is it possible to set variables for .css files just like we set variables for .tpl files?

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@JoelWebsites - Here I found a good tutorial comparing LESS and SASS. Prestashop already integrated SASS, we hope that this will be good for the software. I'm seeing several designers saying that LESS is better. ;)  Boths manage css variables and classes on a given library.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that there is a third one - Stylus. SASS is the oldest one of css stylesheet langugaes


LESS (Apache)

SASS (OS independent)

Stylus (cross platform)

Edited by selectshop.at (see edit history)
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What i did was i copied my .css code inside the header.tpl inside <script> tags ..so now the css is working as well as i will be include the variable..



I got the variables set my using this code in hookHeader()



$smarty = $this->context->smarty;
$smarty->assign(array('id_supplier' =>"JOEL",
'JOEL' =>"Fernandes",
'password' =>"123",
So now {$JOEL} is global variable that can be used in all the .tpl files
Edited by JoelWebsites (see edit history)
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I got the variables set my using this code in hookHeader() in my module



$smarty = $this->context->smarty;

$smarty->assign(array('id_supplier' =>"JOEL",

'JOEL' =>"Fernandes",

'password' =>"123",



you will need to return $this->display(__FILE__, 'header.tpl'); inside public function hookdisplayHeader($params)

incase you want to do it for a module..



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