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Images changing by Attribute

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Hi all,
On the older version of PS on the products page - you used to be able to assign an image to the attribute and then when the customer selected the appropriate attribute the image appeared in the bigger box above.

On the back office the ability to add images to attributes still appears to be there, they just don't appear to change according to attribute selection...

I haven't been able to get this working on the last few versions and wondered if it had been dropped or if I have made a mistake somewhere on my theme? If it has been dropped does anyone have a work around to add it back in?

Many thanks

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Okay, here's what you do. First, I am using so I don't know about the earlier versions. Some of this may be obvious, but I will say it anyways, not to insult your intelligence but to make sure we are on the same page. LOL. First of all, create a new product and fill in as necessary the info under the 1. INFORMATION section. When done, upload the pictures that will change by the attribute in 2. IMAGES section. In 3 ATTRIBUTES, you must select what attributes will decide what picture. Make sure you have already created the proper lists in catalog -> attributes and groups. If you have already done this, they should appear in the drop down attributes list. Now, if you want, for example, for the color to decide what image shows up, you should select color, then what ever colors you have selected in the list, then click ADD. So, at this point you should have for example, "color: black" in the box. Next, go down to image, and assign the image that you want to show up for this attribute when the customer selects this on the product page. Then click ADD ATTRIBUTE. Viola! Repeat for each color. Hope that helps, let me know if you still have trouble, and thanks for the comment on my socks! I've been working hard on it. LOL :)

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Hi again,
I am still playing with the templates and CSS on V1 install. I still have a few problems to sort out - On the products page I am trying to get the thumb nail images right across the centre column and the buy box just below. Due to the excessive length of the attributes I have to use this is the only way to get around the problem with IE cutting off the attribute mid flow. Will get there in the end...



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Nice job on the CSS! It wasn't easy for me, it took me forever to change the accessories area into what I wanted. I still have to change my look from the default template, but afraid to do it right now. LOL ;) Keep with it. :)

Hi again,
I am still playing with the templates and CSS on V1 install. I still have a few problems to sort out - On the products page I am trying to get the thumb nail images right across the centre column and the buy box just below. Due to the excessive length of the attributes I have to use this is the only way to get around the problem with IE cutting off the attribute mid flow. Will get there in the end...


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Thanks alot. I know the feeling of a lot of work to do, I have over 450 pairs of socks, and I have only added less then twenty!!!! After a Saturday spent adding products, I will need a beer or two later to unstress me. ;)

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  • 1 year later...

hi, i have a problem that i cannot figure out how to fix.

i've just upgraded to 1.2 PS and i've done all the neccessary steps in backoffice to add the color attributes to each picture of my product but on the front page when i mouse over the color it doesn't change to the picture i assigned to it.
it used to work just fine in 1.1 PS not it doesn't anymore.

another problem i have is when i upload a new theme and switch to the new one, in backoffice when i add a product i cannot imput the titles and some type areas are missing so i can't add a product at all without them .... this always happens when i switch to ANY (compatible) new theme.
I've found a suitable one , to what i need, but i cannot use it. why?

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