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Allow user to add price?

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Hi all,


I've got a product (service) which has multiple values (price). It is not possible to add all of them as there are hundreds.

Is there a way or a module where I can create a product and send the link to my customer?


While checkout I want my client to add the relevant cost and not have a predefined value.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you explain more? Why would you want the customer to define the price? Sounds like a disaster to me. So perhaps more details to help us understand

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I've got a product which is actually a service and it's price is not standard as it is defined from what the customer wants. There are about 200 different options on price. It is a kind of reservation and the customer needs to pay the 20% of that price. Of course the price as mentioned is not fixed and this is why I need to allow customer to define a price. I will email customer before sending him/her the link of the payment with the exact amount to fill.

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  • 1 year later...

It has taken you a loooonnnnngggg time to come back :)


Unforunatley the module I used is no longer available, so you will have to work through the list and see if anything suits

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