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Theme Configurator Optional HTML Code

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Hello everyone.

I am a new prestashop user and I came up with he following problem in the theme configurator module.

I am running prestashop version and I have theme configurator version 1.2.1.

The problem arose when I tried to add some html code in the "Optional HTML Code" box but some other code behind it strips our the html tags and leaves the text there as plain as it is.

I have searched for this issue for a quite some time in the forums but there was never a clear solution to this problem.

If you have any suggestions that I could try I would be happy to do it.


Harrys P.

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Hello Nemo.

In version (at least the one I was using) there was no option HTML Purifier. I saw this solution in the forums again before but it was stating the exact same thing as I just did. The only solution to the problem was to upgrade to version The HTML Code works in the new version but I had to do a lot of other changes to the theme I am using. If someone has any solution to that problem he could report it in this post, otherwise you can mark this post as partially solved.

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